October 16, 2009

Columbus Day Weekend

Some Images from my Marathon Weekend.

July 04, 2009

July 4th 2009

A quick little video of all the photos I took from the 4th of July.

June 09, 2009

Now That I Am Home

Now that I am home I really dont have much to talk about. My travelling has come to a complete stop and I have become an Eat Sleep Run type of person. With that I would like to share with you my weekend story.

This weekend marked the unofficial start to the Long Island road racing scene. There was so many races to choose from and so much to decided on. This weekend the Sayville Running Company was hosting the first race of the Sayville Summer Series, but more importantly it was their race, the Keith Kintzel 5k Memorial Run. Being a part of the SRC team it was my pleasure to be a part of such a great event.

With many races to choose from on this weekend it made the decision easier. However there then came a hard one. The following day in New Hyde Park there was a teams point race, we needed to get in on for much needed points in the series. So some of us took on the duties of running twice.

The weather over the weekend was beautiful, a little warm for racing but who am I to complain. Like I stated earlier the Keith Nintzel 5k started the weekend off strong. It was a great showing of people both competitively and recreationally. Many came out to show the support of the schloraship fund and the Sayville community. It was definately a nice thing to be a part of.

The race for the 6th time in a row did not dissappoint. Brian Dalpiaz, Sayville High School Class of 2003, took the win for the second straight year in a time of 15:22, a new course record. Brian is quoted as saying "I shut it down in the last mile." With that one can only wonder how low Brian can bring the course record to.

Second overall in the race was James Baracca, a graduate of the Sachem School District in 2004. This was James' first time on the course and he faired pretty well. He is the second fastest preson to run the course other than Brian Dalpiaz. James was happy with the way the race went and happy with the competitive nature of the race. He looks forward to the next race in Sayville.

Following the first two spots in the race was a slew of SRC singlets. This was the teams first time out this season in full force and they made a statement. They racked up the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 17th positions. Many other SRC singlets followed. For most of the team they are training thourgh this race and looking forward to the end of summer when the heavy hitting starts.

A special thanks must be sent out to Brendan Barrett and Ryan Soltan who are the faces behind the scenes. They get a lot of help from the community but these guys get it all together and make the show run smoothly. Without their great efforts the race would not be what it is. Even with all the duties of the race director they still had time to jump on the line and take part in the race. Great Job B and Soltan!

There are many other thanks to be sent out but all in all it was a community effort. Some other notable SRC contributions to the race was the Pace Car from Tommy "Two Tone" Nettuno for leading the way in his Mustang with the two Red Bull girls in the back seat. Also a thanks to Q for a great job on the shirts and glasses. He also did a great jump announcing the race as it came toward the finish line. I believe he is taking the spot of Terry for the rest of the Summer Series.

While this day was a great race for SRC some of us decided to volunteer to run a teams point race the following day in New Hyde Park. It is an 8k race distance and we needed the points. With the team point season in full swing we needed to get out there and get after it. We thought that Bellmore would be out in full force but that was wrong. The team that we had to worry about was We Are Athletes. While standing on the line talking to Chris Mammone he filled us in on the fact that Bellmore did not have an open team in the race. It felt like a ten ton brick was lifted off my back.

The race went well for SRC, we were led home by Adam Seipola's 2nd overall finshes. He was followed by myself in 3rd place, Kevind Beach in 11th and Karnik in 23rd. However it is not the place finishes that matter but the times. The times for the SRC guys were 26:48, 27:20, 30:11, and 32:58. All great efforts by the four guys that were out there on the 8k course.

I am almost certain that our times were fast enough to bring home the 100 points for the team.

After that long weekend of racing I am ready to take a nice easy week of training and get ready for the Diamond Dash on June 20th. I look forward to seeing you all there.

May 21, 2009

Photo Album

The Sayville Running Company 5k for Kids Who Can Run Fast and Wanna Learn to do Other Stuff Fast Too

1) Mrs. Leo Petrina 16:20
= Mr. Leo Petrina 16:20
3) Mango 16:
4) Brendan Barrett 17:
5) Agent 555 (Chaklos) 17:
6) Beach 18:28
7) Two Tone 18:

Mile Time Trial
1) Murphy 5:00

April 22, 2009

Pics from Cali...

Newport Beach
Laguna Beach
Original McDonald's
Lake Arrowhead
Lake Arrowhead
In N Out Burger

April 17, 2009

Day 3

So it is sort of late and I will make it quick, even though we did a lot. We went to the original McDonalds location, Leo raced at Mount SAC Relays, and we ate in the Cali food chain In and Out. Tomorrow will be another jammed pack day and I hope to get you up to date with more. But I am sleepy so good night.

Ok Now I have time to edit this guy. Just woke up and having breakfast before I head out on my run. No one else is up. Just me and my laptop.
Yesterday was a jammed packed day, kind of. We started the day off with a trip to the local Wal-mart to get some stuff for Michelle. The only noticeable difference between the Wal-mart here and Wal-mart Long Island style is the cleanliness. I felt like eating my lunch off the floor it was so shiney clean.
After Wal-mart we headed over to the Original McDonalds site were there is now a museum set up. The building has a bit of history which I have in a fact sheet I was given, and might share with you in a later blog. It was cool to see all the Happy Meal toys and other things that brought back fond memories of my child hood. I can tell you that when McDonalds first opened they sold burgers for 15 cents and fries for 10, that was in 1948. I ended the trip with a photo with Ronald and then we headed back.
I went for my run at noon with Michelle as Leo prepared for her race. It was a bit warm, and there is very little tree coverage in the trails that we ran it. But they were nice and hilly and that made for some extreme pain.
Once done with the run we got ready to head to Leo's race. The whole reason that we are out in Cali. It is called the Mount SAC Relays and it can be followed online. However her race is done with and can be viewed by going to this link. LEO'S RACE She starts out towards the back and works her way up nicely to finish top 10 overall.
Just for you non track buffs, this meet is a Big Deal. It is like the Daytona 500 of track. It is the first major race of the year. This is where some of the big guns start to state their intentions for the track season.
Once Leo was done with her race and her cool down we headed out of the Stadium because the temperature dropped quickly. We then headed to In-N-Out. A Cali hamburger chain that started the same year as McD's. However this one didn't erupt all over the world. The menu at In-N-Out consists of 3 different burgers, Fries and Drinks thats it. So the decisions are rather easy. You also have the option of 3 combo meals. Another tough decision. Anyway I ordered the greasiest thing on the menu so I get the true dining out experience. 
All in all today was a jammed filled day and I enjoyed all the sites that I saw. Now on Friday we are traveling to the beach for some fun in the sun. But first I need to get my run done.

April 15, 2009

Day 2 in Cali

Day 2 started pretty early. 7 am wake up and breakfast to get out the door by 8 am. The mountain is about an hours drive from Loma Linda. We first were going to go to Big Bear Lake, which is 9,000 feet above sea level, but later opted under the advice from Michelle we go to Lake Arrowhead. Lake Arrowhead is closer, 45 minute drive and only at 6,000 ft elevation. I was a little disappointed, but in the end it was more worth it.
When we got to elevation myself and Michelle went for a 45 minute run along a trail by the lake. Leo went for a walk and took the wonderful video above. After the run we hit up the little village that is Arrowhead Lake. We got a Hot Chocolate in a cafe and browsed the shops. 
There are some factors that I probably should clue you in on. Loma Linda was in the 70's when we woke up. Arrowhead Lake was in the 30's. When we first arrived in Arrowhead Lake there was a fresh coating of snow and ice on the roads. It was quit the experience to drive 45 minutes and end up in what was a completely different climate. Also for some of you that might not know this running at altitude or high elevation is a beneficial thing to do if done over a long period of time. The air is thinner and less oxygen rich so the body adjusts to that by making more red blood cells etc etc I wont bore you with the medical factors.
We headed back down the mountain around noon to get Michelle back in time for her work at 2. Leo and I made some lunch then we relaxed and enjoyed the warmer climate for a few hours. Then Leo went for a run and I joined her for another 30 minutes of activity. It was really nice and weird at the same time. In the morning I was covered head to toe and in the evening I was in shorts and a tank. What a day.
Now Leo and I are off to make some dinner, apricot chicken with rice and steamed veggies. Check back tomorrow!

April 14, 2009

Travel and Day 1

I wont bore you with the details of the flight and stuff. Other than we had this really annoying guy sitting near us and a newlywed couple. In which he proceeded to tell every marriage joke there has ever been.
"Have you heard of the three rings of Marriage?"
"No" the Newlyweds reply
"You have the engagement RING, the wedding Ring and then you have the suffeRING!"
I do admit it was kind of funny, but he wouldnt shut up with the damn jokes.
"I married Mrs. Right, I just didnt realize that her first name was Always."
The video above is what Leo and I did to kill some time on the plane.
Moving on to day one. We are staying with Leo's friend Michelle. Whom Leo knows from New Zealand. To start the day Leo and I had some breakfast lounged around for a bit and then we went for our runs. After that we got ready and went off to the Mall. No shopping spree but something to help get the feel for the locals.
On the way to the Mall we hit so much road work and traffic that is was annoying and frustrating. When we got to the Mall it was empty and that was nice. We walked the mall going from shop to shop and they have all the same stuff that a Long Island mall has. Some of the stuff has different names, but they are all in the same concept. 
After the mall we went food shopping and picked up what Leo and I are cooking for dinner which will be some shepard's pie like meal.
Also for those that are interested we are staying in Loma Linda, CA. It is very much a University town. The University is a medical graduate program that has many different aspects to the healthcare system. Leo's friend Michelle is currently doing study and research in her field of physical therapy. Needless to say she is very busy.
Ok well I am off to make some dinner with Leo. Check back everyday for an update on our trip! 

April 07, 2009

New Zealand Maori Haka

The New Zealand Maori Haka on The Biggest Loser this season.

March 30, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

Now that I have been home I am finding it hard to write an entertaining blog that people actually want to read. I mean who wants to listen to someone bitch and moan about the differences between Long Island and New Zealand. I could go on for ever about that topic, but it does go stale after awhile. So now you get to hear me bitch about what ever I feel like.
This weeks topic of "Discussion" is Guilty Pleasures. I use the word "discussion" loosely because I am the only one doing the typing.
What is a guilty pleasure?
-- Wikipedia.org defines it as something that one considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it.
-- urbandictionary.com defines it as something that you shouldn't like, but like anyway.
-- Google comes back with the result of something that you enjoy that you think you shouldn't enjoy, either for personal reasons or because of the possibility of other's reactions.
-- HurricaneOne defines it as something that you like and are embarrassed to admit to.
Some might say that my definition is not clear enough. Now let me tell you like it is. A guilty pleasure is something that I would be embarrassed to admit. It doesn't mean that others reacting to my omission are embarrassed it means myself. I have plenty examples to back this up. After reading several different definitions online I went and structured my own meaning.
Example One:
I listen to Hall and Oates... and like it. That for me is not a guilty pleasure because I am NOT embarrassed to let everyone that reads the blog know that.
Example 2
I like the new Taylor Swift song Love Story... Guilty Pleasure because I am embarrassed to admit that to you all today.

I think that everyone gets the picture. Now this is the hard part. Let me know what your guilty pleasures are in an email to michael.petrina@gmail.com. Then I will post them on my blog in the future. Don't worry I will keep your identity hidden to the readers of this blog.

March 25, 2009

US Radio

Since I have been back there have been somethings that I have been noticing. Now that I have lived in a different country and experienced different culture it has made me come back a rethink thing.
So as I have been driving something hasnt been right and I just couldnt work it out. Then today it finally hit me. I was in the car with my dad and he was asking me some NZL questions. It made me realize that US Radio is absolute shit making my driving experience a crappy one. 
On every station that I turn to I hear the same crap over and over. Britney Spears Circus... God I hate her! and what is with Kevin Rudolph and Lil' Wayne...WHACK! Jeez the list goes on and on... they play the same 8-10 songs over and over. If I hear Rihanna or Chris Brown ever again I may have to pierce my ear drums with a pin or needle.
The reason I say this is because the three radio stations that I listened to in New Zealand are head and shoulders above the best radio station here. I would even go as to say that my least favorite radio station in New Zealand is better then anything Long Island can offer! 
Now the great part about living in the 21st century is that they broadcast online, therefore whenever I am at my computer I listen to New Zealand Radio! 
So if you want to give your ears something pleasurable to listen to you can always have a check of these three awesome Kiwi radio stations.
pronounced ZED EM
I want to hear what you guys think of Long Island radio!

March 06, 2009

Getting Acclaimated

So the week has been going by pretty quickly, and I am still trying to get used to what is going on. My body is still a little out of whack. I am trying to get on a decent sleeping, eating and running schedule. All while my body is telling me that it is not going to be that easy.

I would hate to be so graphic with my readers, so I am not going to do such a thing. I am just going to get on here and tell you what I have been up to as my body gains just a little more power everyday that goes by.

I dont remember exactly where I left off with you in the last blog and sure I can go back and look but that would mean saving my work, going back, and then loading my work back up again. All while I can just tell you what I want to tell you starting where I want to start and I will save that three minutes of fluff around time.

So let me begin with yesterday, Thursday March 5th 2009. I forced myself up before 10 in the AM, got out of bed and had some breakfast. Then I fluffed around on the internet, visiting sites and sending personal emails and messages. I decided that since the roads are getting much nicer that I would try and run outside in the nice cold weather. I got out there eventually and ran for 40 minutes and felt good. So far every run that I have done I have gone a little further and felt a little better doing it. Just a sign that my body is starting to get its act together. Hopefully.

After the run Tommy picked me up and we went to visit some friends over at Sayville Running Company, the team I race for. Real good group of guys, fun talking to and shitting the wind and also good company on lonely days. I am yet to get out for a run with someone else while being back. In New Zealand I had my wife to run with everyday and the company was greatly appreciated, and every run we did was awesome and went by so quickly. Running alone SUCKS! For those reading that dont like the vulgar language Running alone STINKS! 

While talking to my good mates at SRC I managed to line up some work so that I can earn some cash, hopefully I will be able to get that started soon. When we left them Tommy took me home because I had to meet Shelly Anne (lol) to pick up a car for my Dad. This meant that it would be the first time driving in the US since being back. After a year of opposite driving, I have to try and switch back. 

So Shelly Anne dropped me off at the dealer to pick up the car. I got the keys and headed to the parking lot to get the car. First things first I went to the correct side to get in. I then started the car and tested the gas, brake, signals and wipers. Just an FYI the signals and wipers are opposite again, you might remember when I wrote of my experience driving in NZ for the first time.  So the whole ride home when I meant to signal I turned the wipers on, and when I needed to wiper I signaled. Shelly Anne was driving infront of me and she had a good laugh due to my expense. So that was an experience lol

Now it brings me to the current, Friday... marks one week since I got back, and I am feeling alright. Got up around 9 AM and have been for my run, showered and have eaten Breakkie and Lunch. I am looking forward to a relaxing day and catching up with my wife on video chat. I will be waiting patiently for her to come. I hope all enjoy their weekends and I will be back next week.

So I have been wondering about starting a section where once a week I talk about something new that I learned, saw,or encounted. After I state this I would encourage you to tell me if you knew about that or not. So this week's trivia.

The rapper Flo Rida got his name from where he is from, Florida. It is so obvious once pointed out to you, I almost feel stupid for not realizing it. Thats the useless trivia for the week.

March 02, 2009

My Return

It has been a few days since I returned to Long Island from New Zealand. It has been a rather forgetful few days. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed seeing my family and getting to spend time with them. The forgetful part is the barfing, shitting and snowing that I am not a big fan of. Since I returned home Friday I have not left the confines of my own home. I actually have barely taken my fat ass off the couch or out of my bed. I have had brief contact with a few friends and have hardly made an effort to contact the others. I do feel terrible about this but my current state of being is leaving me very unpleasant. 

Some may say I have the Jet-Lag and others may say that it is a virus like the flu, I say that it is a combination of both. The jet-lag weakened my system and then the virus just kicked my ass. Now that the virus has left the jet-lag is still around trying to knock me down a few notches. As I gain my strength I will begin to really start to enjoy home, its just at this moment I can only look to the future.

As for my Welcome Home Party it went on, went on with me in my bed trying to feel better. I want to thank all my family members for the love and caring of how I am feeling. I also want to thank you for the unnecessary gifts that you showered me with yesterday. They all will be put to good use. I also want to thank my cousin for talking over with me interior design, she got my mind rolling and had me dreaming about the new design of a room. (Is that a dream or a nightmare?)

My bodies clock is all out of whack, so at midnight I am wide awake. However I think that I will try and force myself to go to sleep. Good Night Blog...

February 22, 2009

I am BACK!

Ok so this is my first post in a long time. Some of you are probably wondering what the "f" happened to Hurricane One? To be honest a lot of stuff has happened. Some happy things and some not so happy. So let me start with a story that will illustrate what has gone down.
It all started with me planting some Sunflowers. (see photo above) The reason these were planted is they were going to be used for Leonora's bouqet at the wedding. Most of them were good enough to be used. So I had to take a photo of them before I cut some down. You see the really tall one. Well it measures 3 meters tall, just over 10 feet tall. Pretty tall?!?! Well that prompted me to look up the record for tallest Sunflower, only to be outdone by a mere 30 FEET! The World Record for Tallest Sunflower is over 40 feet Tall.
Just a quick note none of these stories relate in anyway, they have just happened to me over the last month.
Right before the wedding I was playing with Leo's neices. We were jumping on the trampoline out in the back. I would just like to make you aware of a rule that the Joy's have and that is 1 person on the tramp at a time. I was told this was because Danielle had to be airlifted to the hospital when she was younger because she fell off. Well I soon found out for myself. We were taking 3 minute turns on the tramp doing our best tricks possible Kaylee went first and did some neat spings and sumersaults. Then Danielle went and attempted some spins and saults but did pretty well for herself. It was then yours truely's turn and I wasnt doing anything to outrageous and then I got too high, lost my balance and was forced to try and land on one leg. Well thats were the issue began, with all the pressure on my one leg the tramp fabric ripped down the middle and I wound up half on the tramp and halfway through to the ground.
The landing was slightly painful, and left little bits of tramp shrapnel imbedded into my skin. While everyone stood around and laughed at me I gingerly walked up to the house to lay down because I got that feeling in your stomach whenever you hurt yourself. You know the feeling like you are lightheaded and going to vomit. I plopped myself there for a bit until the feeling went away.
After that incident I had another one about a week later where I was minding my own bussiness laying in the hamic reading some novel when the cord ripped and I crashed to the ground severely bruising my coccyx (aka Ass Bone) That one was not nearly as bad as the tramp as there was less force. None the less it was still a painful one.
Then one day we went and checked out the Louis Vitton Cup, which is like the pre race to the America's Cup.(Photo above) New Zealand is well known for their great Seamen. Just an FYI the captain of three of the top ships in the World are captained by kiwi's: Oracle (USA), Alinghi (Swiss), and Team New Zealand. We chilled and watched a race or two and then headed out of there. It was really exciting stuff seeing the tatics and all of the teams. New Zealand in the end one the final showdown with Alinghi the reigning America's Cup Champions. It should make for a good America's Cup
So this brings me to my last two weeks of being in NZ. I decided that I needed to take part in something that is readily kiwi. I was given an offer to try and play some field hockey on a real casual social summer hockey team. So I took them up on it. In my first game, the first time ever picking up a stick I had two assists and an OWN goal. We lost that game 6-5. I got asked to come back and play in the last game of the season. That game I played even better, I scored! ... TWICE ... and had the game winning assist. We won 4-3 and it was a sweet feeling.
In my last game I had the added pressures of Leo's dad watching. Now he is a Hockey buff, and I didnt want to do anything too stupid whilst he watched. So it was good that I lit the field a fire. lol ... modest I know.

and then my last weekend we headed up to Mangawhai Heads for a relaxing weekend. Thats exactly what we got. Runs along the beach, chilling looking at the scenery. You can check them out at www.mangawhaiheads.co.nz

February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

From Leo and I to all of you Happy Valentine's Day

February 10, 2009

Married Life

Once in Married Life guys need to become familiar with the two following Permission Forms

February 03, 2009

When You Are Down

Have a look at this video...

January 21, 2009

Wedding Gift

This is my Wedding gift from Mango!

January 19, 2009


Hey Everyone I hope that you are enjoying the snow! Leo and I had an amazing Wedding! We want to thank everyone for their warm well wishes. Thank you also for getting together and having a party for us. Here is the video that I would of liked for you to have seen.

January 14, 2009


Two More Sleeps to Go!

January 12, 2009


Here is the Archway that Adam and I built. It is not complete just the frame. Imagine it with white flowy stuff, some ferns on the roof and sunflowers decorating it. We will be wed under this beautiful Arch. PS Adam is Leo's Brother-in-law and father of the flower girls.

January 10, 2009

Wedding Countdown

Many of you know that Leo and I are getting Married on the 17th. So I am going to take this week to post a little part of the Wedding.
It is six days to go.
Crunch Time!
Who's Excited!?!
Today's Item
Cake Tier and the Cake Topper

January 09, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I am a little busy. Will get back a good one sometime next week.

Ok so the reason for this random post. I have a friend who has found out that they has had a gluten allergy. Not fun. So what they asked me to do is ask my viewers... which aren't many... to suggest some awesome gluten foods that he needs to eat. Odd?

My friend will be starting his gluten free diet after the Super Bowl. Its a good start date because at a Super Bowl party one would be tempted with rich gluten foods. IE Beer and Chips.

So don't be lazy, like my viewers tend to be, and respond with your favorite Gluten Rich food. Have a hard think about it and post it in the messages below. Hey if I get ten replies I will have a surprise for you next week!

So Gluten Rich foods are those that contain gluten, wheat, oats, barley... basically any grain. IE Pizza, Pasta, Beer, Chips....