May 17, 2010

Boston May 15th 2010

This weekend Leonora and I traveled up to Boston for a Track event. Leo was running in the Boston Twilight Track Meet. We decided to make a trip out of it and stayed with our Friend Kevin aka Mango. He goes to Harvard and studies crazy science things. He was nice enough to take the weekend off and fit us into his busy schedule. Here are a few experts from the weekend.
Here we are on the Harvard University campus and this is a statue of John Harvard, founder of Harvard University. It is said to be good luck to rub his left foot. That is what we are doing in this photo. It is very weird because the statue is all weathered except his foot which is still a gold copper color. They say the oils from the human hand help preserve this portion of the statue.

After touring the campus a bit we went over to Harvard Square which is the center of Cambridge city. This is where all the doings were going on. They had street performers, vendors and homeless. There were shops to shop in and cafe's to eat in. All in all it was a pretty cool area.
After walking around we relaxed in apartment until it was time to head up for the race. I have attached a video of Leo's race. If you scan to 2 minutes 30 thats when the race starts.

Track and Field Videos on Flotrack

or you can have the abridge version here... She runs with some women for 2 laps and then leaves them in her wake. She runs a solo 9:22, laps a few girls and breaks the meet record by 4 seconds. All in all a good race.

We will be back in Boston in 3 weeks for another one of these meets. So you will get another update then. Until next time...