To tell you the truth, I have done heaps, but I dont know where the time has gone.
The journey started with a two hour flight delay in JFK Airport in New York. A trip where I was supposed to have so much time to kill inbetween flights I would be bored to tears, to a trip where when we touched down in LA I had thirty minutes to run aross the airport. I had to fight through crowds and wait in line. The whole time the sign above me flashing Plane to "Auckland" -- "Now Bording". It was a nailbitter, finally I told the security lady that my flight was bording, she got me out of line and straigh to the front. I got through security and ran to my gate. I was getting there as the last few people in line were getting on board.
Thirteen hours later I landed in Auckland, waited on line for customes and then stood at the baggage carosel watching the same bags go by me for twenty minutes. I had made the flight but it looks like my bags hadnt. I then went and stood in line to the baggage claims place. I had been farting around with this rubbish for two hours and just wanted to get some breakfast. I finally made it through the gates a little after 730 AM. All I had was my backpack and the clothes on my back.
If I wrote a book that is how it would start. Maybe a little more detail. That seems to be the start of a short story.
When I first arrived gas was holding steady at 1.73 a liter, the Summer was whinding down. The days still long, the water warm, and not a cloud in the sky. Boys and young men ran around in jandals and had crazy haircuts. People walked barefoot through the mall and shops. Girls and young ladies wore next to nothing while texting on their two cell phones. Old ladies walked the streets in skirts and stockings, while old men walked the streets wearing shorts and business socks. And there I was straight off the plane from winter wearing a collared shirt with a sweater over top, jeans and my fresh Nike Air Assaults. Did I look out of place? Maybe just a little. So I did what anyperson would do to blend in, I lost the sweater, collared shirt and socks and shoes. Rolled up my jeans, I walked the streets barefoot and in my white under tee. It was all I would have of summer, those few weeks, I was going to take the most of it while I could.
Fast Forward to the Present
So now that I am done blabbing, it is time for me to go and start planning. Christmas in July will be huge success.
And for those that have been curious, and I know how much you all love countdowns.
269 days till March 2009