June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th

So I have almost survived this Friday the 13th. It is 6:30 pm and I think I will get through it just find. Had a little bit of a rough day at work, so did everyone else. We had an unusual amount of Large Flats, aka Magazines, to deliver today. Other than that the day has gone just swimmingly.

The last time that June 13th marked Friday the 13th was all the way back in 2003. Think back what were doing, and did you see yourself today back then.

I know for sure that I did not see myself in New Zealand, if you would of told me that I would of laughed and said New Zealand?!?! I was preparing to Graduate from High School and move on to college. Where were you? Go ahead think about it. 2003 seems like ages ago but really it was a blink of the eye ago. Its been a crazy ride since that day, but hell I wouldnt change a thing.

June 13 is the 164th day of the year, There are 201 days remaining until the end of the year. Back on that date in 2003 Roger Clemens recorded his 300th win and his 4,000th strikeout while the Yankees were playing the Cardinals, Massachusettes Attorney General Thomas Reilly accuses college student Luke Thompson of creating a fake airline, Mainline Airways, and selling bogus tickets to name a few of the events.

When I started writing this blog it was Friday the 13th. I wanted to edit and load the part III of my South Island Trip. So I edited and posted the video and had to wait for YouTube the give the go ahead. So they have and that is what is posted above.

On another note, in the States it is Father's Day. So I will like to take this time to wish my dad Vinnie "Cenzo" Petrina a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY... I also want to extend those wishes to Grandpa Lou, Grandpa Mike, Uncle Lou, Uncle Mike, Josh and Steven. Sorry that I couldnt be there in person, but I hope the blog post makes up or it. Have a great day. And for those that are interested as to when NZ Father's Day is...September, must be a Spring thing.

June 12, 2008


So I have a few things happen these past few days that have made me decide to compare the lingo of someone from the NY Metropolitan area to that of a Kiwi... For starters my mom posted a comment asking what a "Jandal" is? Simply put it is a "Sandal/Flip Flop" actually thats what it is no simply put. The other instance was a email i received. Leo sent me an email and addressed it "Hey Seppo" I was like "W...T..F...?!?" and then she told me that her brother Nat refers to me as "Seppo"... That still didnt answer my question so I enquired further... she replied with it is a slang word for an American in Oceania Surfer talk... ok so how the hell did they stumble upon that slang name for an American. Affectionately it morphed from...
Yankee ---> Yank-tank ---> Septic tank === Seppo
So that had me thinking, that I have not shared with you the new words that I have been tossing around in casual conversation. I feel like I have been experience lingo similar to that from the movie "Juno" DREAM BIG...
Without further ado
Mike's Newest Lingo
Cheers-Thank You
No Worries-No Problem
and My Personal Favorite...
Zed-the letter "Z"
There are plenty other different slang words. I have not picked up on them yet so I did not include them in my New Lingo List. A furter look into the lingo may call for a more entertaining method than reading.
Take these words and try and use them in your lingo... they are catchy...

June 09, 2008

HurricaneOne TV Episode 3

Alright I pushed the envelope a little this episode and added some other stuff. I hope that you enjoy the video.