March 06, 2009

Getting Acclaimated

So the week has been going by pretty quickly, and I am still trying to get used to what is going on. My body is still a little out of whack. I am trying to get on a decent sleeping, eating and running schedule. All while my body is telling me that it is not going to be that easy.

I would hate to be so graphic with my readers, so I am not going to do such a thing. I am just going to get on here and tell you what I have been up to as my body gains just a little more power everyday that goes by.

I dont remember exactly where I left off with you in the last blog and sure I can go back and look but that would mean saving my work, going back, and then loading my work back up again. All while I can just tell you what I want to tell you starting where I want to start and I will save that three minutes of fluff around time.

So let me begin with yesterday, Thursday March 5th 2009. I forced myself up before 10 in the AM, got out of bed and had some breakfast. Then I fluffed around on the internet, visiting sites and sending personal emails and messages. I decided that since the roads are getting much nicer that I would try and run outside in the nice cold weather. I got out there eventually and ran for 40 minutes and felt good. So far every run that I have done I have gone a little further and felt a little better doing it. Just a sign that my body is starting to get its act together. Hopefully.

After the run Tommy picked me up and we went to visit some friends over at Sayville Running Company, the team I race for. Real good group of guys, fun talking to and shitting the wind and also good company on lonely days. I am yet to get out for a run with someone else while being back. In New Zealand I had my wife to run with everyday and the company was greatly appreciated, and every run we did was awesome and went by so quickly. Running alone SUCKS! For those reading that dont like the vulgar language Running alone STINKS! 

While talking to my good mates at SRC I managed to line up some work so that I can earn some cash, hopefully I will be able to get that started soon. When we left them Tommy took me home because I had to meet Shelly Anne (lol) to pick up a car for my Dad. This meant that it would be the first time driving in the US since being back. After a year of opposite driving, I have to try and switch back. 

So Shelly Anne dropped me off at the dealer to pick up the car. I got the keys and headed to the parking lot to get the car. First things first I went to the correct side to get in. I then started the car and tested the gas, brake, signals and wipers. Just an FYI the signals and wipers are opposite again, you might remember when I wrote of my experience driving in NZ for the first time.  So the whole ride home when I meant to signal I turned the wipers on, and when I needed to wiper I signaled. Shelly Anne was driving infront of me and she had a good laugh due to my expense. So that was an experience lol

Now it brings me to the current, Friday... marks one week since I got back, and I am feeling alright. Got up around 9 AM and have been for my run, showered and have eaten Breakkie and Lunch. I am looking forward to a relaxing day and catching up with my wife on video chat. I will be waiting patiently for her to come. I hope all enjoy their weekends and I will be back next week.

So I have been wondering about starting a section where once a week I talk about something new that I learned, saw,or encounted. After I state this I would encourage you to tell me if you knew about that or not. So this week's trivia.

The rapper Flo Rida got his name from where he is from, Florida. It is so obvious once pointed out to you, I almost feel stupid for not realizing it. Thats the useless trivia for the week.

March 02, 2009

My Return

It has been a few days since I returned to Long Island from New Zealand. It has been a rather forgetful few days. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed seeing my family and getting to spend time with them. The forgetful part is the barfing, shitting and snowing that I am not a big fan of. Since I returned home Friday I have not left the confines of my own home. I actually have barely taken my fat ass off the couch or out of my bed. I have had brief contact with a few friends and have hardly made an effort to contact the others. I do feel terrible about this but my current state of being is leaving me very unpleasant. 

Some may say I have the Jet-Lag and others may say that it is a virus like the flu, I say that it is a combination of both. The jet-lag weakened my system and then the virus just kicked my ass. Now that the virus has left the jet-lag is still around trying to knock me down a few notches. As I gain my strength I will begin to really start to enjoy home, its just at this moment I can only look to the future.

As for my Welcome Home Party it went on, went on with me in my bed trying to feel better. I want to thank all my family members for the love and caring of how I am feeling. I also want to thank you for the unnecessary gifts that you showered me with yesterday. They all will be put to good use. I also want to thank my cousin for talking over with me interior design, she got my mind rolling and had me dreaming about the new design of a room. (Is that a dream or a nightmare?)

My bodies clock is all out of whack, so at midnight I am wide awake. However I think that I will try and force myself to go to sleep. Good Night Blog...