March 21, 2008

Easter Saturday

Today, Saturday, Leo and I went to Murawi Beach, It is a beach that is located on the west coast of the North Island. It is approximately a 45 minute drive from Leo's house. The beaches on the West Coast are considered the best beaches in all of New Zealand. They have great waves for surfing, great dunes for sleding and the sand is a mixture of black and brown sand. However the undertoe is extremely strong and several people die here every year. I did not enter the water as it was a mad house on this holiday weekend. It was a great day well over 70 degrees and the sun shining. we walked the trail and took in the sites. The above piture was taking at the top of the trail looking down on the beach. The other two pictures were taken down on the water front.

What else has happened over the past few days. On thursday i drove for the first time. that was an experience. I just drove till we got to the main street in town. it is a little odd driving on the opposite side of the road, on the opposite side of the car. everything else in the car is opposite as well. except the pedals, the brake and accelarator are the same. what about the directionals you ask, yes they are opposite as well. up is left and down is right. it is on the opposite side of the steering column, and the windshield wipers on the other. Yesterday i drove some more, i drove to the main road and along it. the roads here are very whindy and hilly. you always have to be on the ball paying attention every single moment. there are none of the straight ass highways that you find in the states. so a drive that is not that far away in distance takes long because of the reduced speed you have to travel.
Also yesterday we made Chocolate Easter eggs. Melted chocolate put them in molds and put stuff inside of them. I have photos of them but they are on Leo's camera which her father barrowed for his work today so i will get those up to you tomorrow. it was lots of fun and gave me a bit of a tummy ache. all the snacking on the chips of chocolate when no one was looking. yummy!

Tomorrow is Easter nothing big planned, as here Good Friday is more of the major celebration. We had a big feast last night with Leo's brothers and parents. I worked the BBQ, they dread the BBQ here, were as i love it! o well, makes me out to be pretty good. Thats all i got for you guys now i will attach some more photos below of other events. I am having some difficulties loading the video to this blog and even youtube. if and when i work those out i will get them posted. if i cant i will burn them to DVD and send that home and you can view it at a family gathering! Love Mike
Leo's Family sends easter regards as well!
Me at Wildfoods eating a Cricket with Satay sauce on a slice of Italian Bread. The dude to the left face was scary so i replaced it with a much easier face. The Cricket was crunchy!
I was caught stealing some Gold so I was punished! Had to stay like this for 48 hours, all they fed me was stale bread and water. if i was lucky they put a little pig fat on the bread.
This is a picture of Leo from the South Island Trip, it is Hokitika Beach, it is cold and i am trying to be artistic. Does it work?

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