March 20, 2008

Good Friday 21-3-2008

Well when i left off with you guys I had just returned from the trip in the South Island. and quit a bit has happened since then. Tuesday night Leo had a race. Andy (her coach, my old coach) asked if i didnt mind pacing Leo in the race. I had nothing better to do so i did. the goal was 75-76 a lap for 3k. we averaged 75 a lap and Leo ran 9:21 which is a PB. the conditions were cool with a little wind. but overall it was a great night to run fast.

On Weds it was Bart's Wedding Ceremony. It was ahectic day. the ceremony was to take part in the backyard of Leo's house. So i gave a hand and helped out. Set up the car port, then put up some tables and chairs, and set up the cooking area. at the ceremony and reception i was incharge of the BBQ. the ceremony was very laid back and went well. it was 30 minutes, after that was the FOOD! there was so much food i couldnt begin to name everything, but i was incharge of cooking up the steaks, ham, mussels and sausages on the BBQ.

BBQ on the Left, Cindy and Bart Above

Thursday was a relaxing day, we cleaned up the yard from the wedding and then relaxed. sorry nothing exciting. However Friday we are planning on making chocolate eggs that are filled with candy treats. They will be eaten on Easter. Easter here in not celebrated as big, but is still a very important holiday. No shops can be open all weekend from Friday to Monday. Monday is easter Monday which everyone has off for as well. dont know what it is all about but i will find out and let you all know.

Thats it for this blog. hope you enjoyed the video and so on. I wish everyone a happy easter! as does leo. Best Wishes Mike

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