Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I am a little busy. Will get back a good one sometime next week.
Ok so the reason for this random post. I have a friend who has found out that they has had a gluten allergy. Not fun. So what they asked me to do is ask my viewers... which aren't many... to suggest some awesome gluten foods that he needs to eat. Odd?
My friend will be starting his gluten free diet after the Super Bowl. Its a good start date because at a Super Bowl party one would be tempted with rich gluten foods. IE Beer and Chips.
So don't be lazy, like my viewers tend to be, and respond with your favorite Gluten Rich food. Have a hard think about it and post it in the messages below. Hey if I get ten replies I will have a surprise for you next week!
So Gluten Rich foods are those that contain gluten, wheat, oats, barley... basically any grain. IE Pizza, Pasta, Beer, Chips....