July 30, 2008

Look in the Sky!.!.!

Its a Bird... Its a Plane... Its Weather Bomb.
Yes thats right Weather Bomb New Zealands Super Villian, and he is coming to a town near you.
Weather Bomb is known for his relentless onslaught of heavy percepition, high wind gusts, and cloud coverage. This leads to massive floods, house destruction and mental breakdowns. He has been causing havoc for the last two months coming and going with very little warning but striking atleast six times a week. It is time for New Zealand to get a Super Hero to fight that Villian. He has caused enough damage and needs to be put to an end immediately. Someone or Something needs to step up NOW!
So I really have been putting this blog thing to the side lately, and with good reason.
First things first I have been working a little bit harder these past few weeks and when I get home have been real knackered and just feel like laying around and napping. Been doing alot of the lying around and less of the napping. I know I know how hard could it be to write a freakin blog even now and again. ANWSER: Harder than you think!
Secondly, I have not done anything exciting this past weekend. Weather Bomb hit and we were stuck inside, some lost power others didnt. Played some board games went for a mud run. Nothing to exciting.
Thirdly, Leonora's bra Nat lent me his PS2 and I have been addicted to Tekken 5 all this week. Sorry... I know video games should not be more important than my audience, but it has. Ouch... burned...
Lastly, this week Leo and I have been gearing up to go down to Wellington for the weekend to stay with little Timmy Hodge and family. New Zealand Cross Country Championships are being held down near Welly and Tim is being so kind to house us for 3 days, 2 nights. What a good guy! With that I am still not packed and we leave tomorrow. Just like my dad putting the packing to the day we leave. Maybe I will really be like him and leave it to the hour we leave... only thing is I will be home alone and wont have anyone hounding me about it.
I swear this is the last reason... I have been just so consumed with my running that my mind is having trouble focusing on more than one thing at a time.
(What a Loser)
Yeah I know, but o well, I am proud to be a loser!...I think...
So a while ago I told you all about this cool birthday weekend that I had. Well I have finally uploaded the video I made and I have it for you to view.

This past weekend was Leo's birthday, She is now 26 So on Sunday we went over to her parents house and had a little dinner for her. Before we went to the house we went for a run in Okura Trails, where it was a mud bath. Literally! (SRC Guys worse than the National 10k Course) We then headed over to Dairy Flat for a warm shower, which was not to be. They were out of power and had to have a quick short semi warm shower. So that was a little bummer. We built a fire in the wood burning stove and sat infront of it to warm ourselves up.
After awhile the power came back on and we were able to start cooking dinner. We had a crockpot of chicken and other veggies but we also had cheese fondu with all different types of food. Veggies, Sausages, Salmon, Breads, and other things that I cant remember. After that she quickly opened gifts and then we had dessert.
If you guessed Chocolate fondu you are correct. We enjoyed our chocolate with Fruit, Candies, Raisins and again stuff I cant remember. We than had some birthday cake and before you know it, it was time to heaad home because we need to get up early for this thing, its called a job... and it is way overrated!

Notes From a Boot Shaped Country

On wednesday we visited the city of Torino. It is magnificent with the castles and the chruchs. A few things I thought was cool was the water fountains here and the bathrooms. I will try to download my pictures and send you photos. We went on the highest hill of Torino where we got to see all of Torino and let me tell you it is breath taking. We were all very tired by the end of the day and our feet were killing us but i didnt care because i am in Italy. Every sight to see is beautiful and I am also looking around at everything I see. My italian is getting better and I speak english like I have an italian accent. Everybody is great wonderful here and I hope by you. Today we visited Asti a little more and it was hot but yet again i didnt mind it because i am trying to soak in everything. I still cant believe i am here, it is like a dream that is real. I cant wait to see the rest. Now it is time for dinner and Agatha who is just like dad is yelling for me to come. So i will ttyl!!! Ciao America lol Love,Alyssa


And Lastly for those that are still reading I have my RLog, so most of you can stop reading now if you want!

July 14th AM 4 PM 6 and 6 strides. Felt good getting ready for the race on Weds night.

July 15th 8 miles feeling good legs under me.

July 16th Race 5k and the Milford Cruising Club... Cold, Wet and Windy night... 3wu/cd ran 1545 all alone pushing myself to a road 5k PR. Happy with the result, feel likes I am rolling into shape.

July 17th 12 miles feeling pretty good, no soreness from the race which is good

July 18th 10 miles still feeling the heaviness in the legs from the race, but other than that and the rain it was a good run.

July 19th 3wu 4cd 10x300 52/53 with 200 jog, just extended striders felt good doing them. real smooth running

July 20th 2 hour run, 17+ miles felt really good, first two hour run since getting here. nice and relaxed at the end started to feel a little heavy.

Week Total---77 miles and a 5k road PR

July 21st AM 4 PM 8 Felt real good on both runs

July 22nd 8 miles and 6xstrides felt real good. legs are under me and ready for the workout.

July 23rd 3wu/cd 2x6 min, 3 min, 1 min (r4,2,3) felt good the whole way ran hard and fast pushing but not straining. really good effort.

July 24th 12 miles at a real cruisey pace, good run no soreness, legs a little heavy at the end.

July 25th AM 4 PM 8 Felt good on both runs did 6x strides after the 2nd run.

July 26th 3wu/cd 4 mile tempo at 21 minutes real smooth and just ran relaxed. looking to move this up to 5 miles the next time I do it.

July 27th 2 hour run in the mud bath, finished the last 35 minutes on the road 17+ miles felt good had a good time, it was fun getting a little muddy, or a lot muddy.

Weekly Totals---84 miles


Ok well thats it for now, look forward to next week when I return from my trip to Welly and have tons of photos and footage to share with you guys. Until then Buh Bye