May 09, 2008

I am Back...

They took away without telling me and they gave it back without telling me. Those google people are up to some funny business I tell you. Well I will have a new post soon.
Happy Mothers Day to All ... Mothers!
Have A Good Weekend...

May 06, 2008

Kiwi Music Month

May 1st kicked off Kiwi Music Month in New Zealand. Since this is my first Whats Hott in New Zealand blog since this began, I will dedicate this entry to the music world. However I do not want it to go un-noted that the New Zealand Herald had some technical difficulties and could not provide me with the movie and dvd ratings for the week. I have the television ratings and if you want to know the top 5 shows then please inquire.
Kiwi Month
New Zealand Music Month began in 2001. Each May, New Zealand music is showcased on radio and television and in live performances.
New Zealand Music Month aims to boost the visibility and success of New Zealand music. It was developed to support the New Zealand music industry by creating a commercially successful platform for local performers. In 2000 airtime for New Zealand music on commercial radio stations made up around 10% of programming. By 2005 this figure had increased to nearly 23%. The amount of New Zealand music sold increased from 5.45% of the total market in 2000 to over 10% by 2004.
They celebrate New Zealand Music Month with 31 reasons to love Kiwi Music. There is a different story for each day in May about the people, songs and issues that are part of New Zealand's musical heritage. These are a selection of random notes, not a definitive history of New Zealand music. If they provoke any memories or ideas, please feel free to get in touch and add to the collection
Please skim though the following. I am not asking you to read and research each one, but maybe something will catch your Eye.
31 Reasons to Love Kiwi Music
We randomly selected 31 New Zealand music stories, one for each day of New Zealand Music Month.
Each story links to a page with further information. They are in no particular order.

New Zealand's national anthems
New Zealand Music Month would not be complete without looking at a song that we have sung (often badly) for over 130 years. It is our national anthem, ‘God defend New Zealand’, or, in te reo Maori, 'Aotearoa'. More...

'Blue smoke'
In 1949 a disc featuring the song ‘Blue smoke’, written by Ruru Karaitiana and released on the TANZA label, became the first record wholly produced in New Zealand from composition to pressing. More...

Split Enz
In 1980 Split Enz put New Zealand music firmly on the international map with their breakthrough fifth album True colours. Theirs is a classic story of Kiwi battlers achieving through hard work and sacrifice. More...

New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Sixty-one years old in 2008, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra travels over 40,000 kilometres a year to bring the best of the orchestral repertoire to New Zealanders from Kerikeri to Invercargill. More...

Sandy Edmonds, groovy baby
She was our first pop superstar of the TV age – a 1960s Kiwi Paris Hilton. Sandy Edmonds was the swinging, groovy face of youth on pop show C’Mon, even though her musical contribution is barely remembered. More...

No depression in New Zealand
Blam Blam Blam's 'There is no depression in New Zealand' was particularly meaningful for many in 1981, and some adopted it as an unofficial national anthem. It was also commercially successful and went gold a month after its release. More...

Loxene Golden Disc Awards
The Loxene Golden Disc Awards were the forerunner of today’s New Zealand Music Awards. The awards were designed to ‘create public awareness of the wealth and quality of New Zealand pop music talent’. More...

Kiwi klassics
Kiwi Records was a saviour of New Zealand composers. The label, started by publisher A.H. & A.W. Reed in 1957, was one of the few local outlets for recording classical music, assisting the careers of some of our most well-known classical musicians. More...

Devil's music – Timberjack
In 1971 Timberjack's song ‘Come to the Sabbat’ shocked many with its chorus of ‘Come, come, come to the Sabbat/ Come to the Sabbat – Satan's there.’ This wasn't the typical Loxene Golden Disc Award nominee. More...

'How bizarre'
‘One-hit wonder’, ‘rags to riches and then back to rags again’ – call it what you will, but the fact remains that the infectious 1995 hit ‘How bizarre’ by OMC is the biggest-selling New Zealand record of all time. More...

Kiwi Records
What could be a more apt record label for New Zealand music than Kiwi Records? This company began producing records in 1957, and its catalogue includes everything from Maori songs to the sounds of Antarctica. More...

Club culture
Today the music scene in New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland, is dominated by electronic music and DJ culture. This dance-floor revolution is a relatively recent phenomenon, having begun in the early 1980s. More...

'My old man's an All Black'
Gerry Merito wrote ‘My old man’s an All Black’ as a bitter-sweet parody of ‘My old man's a dustman’. His song used humour to comment on the decision of the 1960 All Blacks to tour South Africa without Maori players. More...

Riot 111 – subversive radicals
As a protest against Television New Zealand (TVNZ) refusing to play their music, Riot 111 staged a raucous concert outside the company's Avalon studios while punk supporters hoisted the A for Anarchy banner on the flagpole. More...

Dave Dobbyn and 'Loyal'
Although some say it is a song spoiled by overexposure, in 2006 an online survey of 3000 people chose Dave Dobbyn's 'Loyal' as New Zealand's greatest song ever.More...

Railway songs
Few New Zealand folk songs are as iconic as Peter Cape’s ‘Taumarunui (on the main trunk line)’, a tale of unrequited love between ‘an ordinary joker’ and a ‘sheila’ who works behind the counter at the town’s famous railway refreshment room More...

Arriving in Los Angeles in early September 2001, the group Shihad found itself caught up in the fallout from the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The name Shihad sounded too much like jihad for American tastes – no one was going to say Shihad on the radio. More...

Queen Street riot, 1984
‘Tears, terror at the concert that made history’ was one of the newspaper headlines the day following the Queen Street riot of December 1984. All hell broke loose after a free concert at Aotea Square was stopped early. More...

New Zealand's first millon-selling song?
‘Now is the hour’ highlights the blending of Maori and European traditions in a song that could be embraced by both communities. It became a huge hit for some major stars, including Gracie Fields and Bing Crosbie. More...

The birth of Kiwi rock 'n' roll
In 1957 Johnny Cooper – 'the Maori cowboy' – recorded New Zealand's first rock 'n' roll hit, ‘Pie cart rock ’n’ roll’. His inspiration was the Wanganui pie cart where a meal of pea, pie and pud was always on hand . More...

Kiri Te Kanawa
Although her fame mostly came from performing music that was not New Zealand made, Kiri Te Kanawa also gained international exposure singing traditional and contemporary Maori songs. More...

Fat Freddy's Drop
In May 2005 the Wellington band Fat Freddy’s Drop burst onto the national scene with the release of their first studio album Based on a true story. The album went gold on its first day. More...

Suburban Reptiles – Kiwi punk
In a report on the Suburban Reptiles first concert, New Zealand Truth claimed that the festival the group was playing at was spoiled by ‘these hooligans’, and the article referred to spitting and abusive audiences. More...

Nature's best
‘Nature’, written by Wayne Mason for his band Fourmyula in 1969, reached number one on the charts in January 1970 and became a hit again in 1992 when it was recorded by New Zealand band The Mutton Birds. More...

'Join together'
The 1974 Commonwealth Games held in Christchurch was an odd coupling of 1970s cosmic harmony and cut-throat competition. The song that caught the mood of this Woodstock in tracksuits was Steve Allen’s hummable, even uplifting, anthem ‘Join together’. More...

'French letter'
Herbs 1982 hit 'French letter' came to express the country's anti-nuclear stance. It spent 11 weeks on the charts, peaking at number 15. The title itself was considered too risqué for radio and was released under the alternative ‘Letter to the French’. More...

The Wanganui Elvis
Johnny Devlin was New Zealand’s answer to Elvis Presley. His first performance at the Jive Centre electrified the fans. Young women and girls screamed hysterically as he sang and moved across the stage, all hip-wriggling, groin-grinding Presley style. More...

The birth and death of ... Goblin Mix
The birth and death of ..., by short-lived Auckland band Goblin Mix, was one of the great New Zealand albums of the mid-1980s. But today the band is probably best remembered as an ancestor of The 3Ds, the Dunedin group led by former Goblin Mix guitarist David Mitchell. More...

Songs of the sea
Ahoy there! Sea shanties, work songs sung on board sailing ships, were a feature of seafaring life in the 19th century. Although most shanties were of British or American origin, some had a distinctly New Zealand flavour. More...

'Poi E'
Written by Dalvanius Prime and Ngoi Pewhairangi, 'Poi E' was a massive hit for the Patea Maori Club in 1984, although it had actually been released a year earlier. Some have called it New Zealand's first hip-hop hit. More...

'She's a mod'
No New Zealand song captures the joy, dizziness and sheer optimism of the 1960s youth experience better than the Ray Columbus and the Invaders’ three-time hit 'She’s a mod'. More...
Still More?
To Make it a little more personal I will list how I get exposure to Kiwi Music everyday.
91ZM pronounced: Ninty-One Zed Em
91.8 More FM pronounced: Ninty-One Point Eight More FM
The Rock pronounced: The Rock
The Edge FM pronounced: The Edge FM
and there is also the Music Television channels. Yes there is MTv but that is on Satellite, which we dont have. So we settle for the cable versions which actually play music!
JuiceTV is where I get the Top 15 singles from. This week I will give you the Top 20 and highlight the Kiwi acts that are in the Top 20.


New Zealand Music is on the rise and alot of it is very good. I hope that you take the time out to read up about some of the artists and search for some of their music online. is a great site to find many songs to listen to.
So with that being said I will concluded with the inclusion of a New Zealand Music Video.

May 05, 2008

I Eat Long Runs for Breakfast and Mile Repeats for Lunch...

So my training has been going pretty well... I think... I am happy with the work I have been putting in. The only thing I wish I could get in are double runs but that involves me getting up at 515am and I am not about to do that. So until I work on my schedule a bit I will be doing singles for a while. Other than that minor detail I feel great, I am running relaxed and smooth and I am looking forward to May 18th, Huntly Half Marathon. So enough BS here is my Rlog for the last two weeks with a run highlighted.

Monday April 21st: 8 miles and 6xstrides
Tuesday April 22nd: Fartlek 10x2min w/1 min. Rain and heavy wind. First two were sketchy but got in a rythem for the rest. Kept solid pace during the 1min rest. (11)
Wednesday April 23rd: 9 miles real heavy throughout the whole run.
Thursday April 24th: 9 miles really hilly run from the Joy's. Heavy at the start of the run but felt better as the run went on.
Firday April 25th: 8 miles, another rainy day, up early for ANZAC Day, a very long day.
Saturday April 26th: 8 miles windy and rainy.
Sunday April 27th: Race simulation run. 2 mile warm up 7 miles at goal race pace and 4 mile cool down. Ran all miles within seconds of eachother, and averaged 532 pace for the 7 miles. And you guessed it Heavy Rain and Wind! (13)
Week Total 65 miles

Monday April 28th: 9 miles sore at the start of the run, but got better as the run went along.
Tuesday April 29th: 14 miles, Auckland Domain, hilly took it nice and easy.
Wednesday April 30th: 10 miles, 6 miles into the run i did 9x 30 seconds w/ 1 min rest. Then just ran out the remainder of the run. Trying to stick to a workout every third or fourth day. This loosened the legs up.
Thursday May 1st: 8 miles w/ 4xstrides feeling really good.
Firday May 2nd: 4x2miles w/ 4 min rest. 3 mile warm up and 3 mile cool down. On the Orewa Loop. 10:36, 10:26, 10:19, 10:19, on the second two mile of the third rep is when I started to feel some discomfort and at the start of the fourth was the only one that I felt heavy at. All in all a great workout, feel real good and am looking forward to the race in two weeks.
Saturday May 3rd: Easy 8 miles felt real heavy at the start of run then the last 10 minutes the legs started to come to life.
Sunday May 4th: 14 miles Okura Trails felt good and it got better as the run went along.
Week Total 78 miles

For those that are counting I ran 296 miles for the month of april, just under 10 miles per day, this month the goal is averaging over 10 miles a day. So far off to a good start. O and for the highlighted run.

It is my 9 mile loop from the Joy's
It starts off heading downhill down Burne Road towrds Horseshoe Bush Road. You hang a left on HSB Rd and continue on that towards SH-17. This part of the run is rolling hills thorugh the scenic country side of Dairy Flat. You reach SH-17 about 4 miles into the run. You hang another left and head towards Kahikatea Rd. Turn Left onto that road and head for Austin Rd. Austin Rd is 6 miles into the run. The fun is just beginning. The first thing you encounter on Austin Rd. is a hill that is pratically vertical and is over 300 meters long. It sucks... then you continue along Austin Rd over some rolling hills until you arrive back at HSB Rd. You turn Right towards Burne Rd, then Left and you start your 1k climb back uphill towards the Joy House. It is a challenging but fun and scenic run through Dairy Flat. I dont do it much because it is so hilly but I will admit that it is a nice run.
I will take this time out to talk running. I want to say that I am impressed with the way you boys ran at the Long Island Half Marathon. It made me proud to be running for the team. I am a little disappointed that Hopkins lost to Diaz by ONE SECOND, Come on Hopkins your sweet beard didnt get the lean? All jokes aside great job.
A note to Kev Beach, a little birdie not named Q, told me that you are still talking trash about how you own me at Madden, that fact is true but the other fact is that I let you win because it was your house. No just kidding I dont let anyone just win they have to earn it. I see you are running well, but you lost to Dejan. Come on!
And for all those that are curious the Kim Smith 10k is a huge deal here. It is all over the news, on every radio station. She is the headline sport story of the day. As a performance of that magnitude should be. I must say that Shalene's run was good, but I can almost guarantee that she is not getting the publicity that Kim Smith is getting. Kim took 45 seconds off her previous NZ National Record with that run. Great run by both ladies!