April 15, 2009

Day 2 in Cali

Day 2 started pretty early. 7 am wake up and breakfast to get out the door by 8 am. The mountain is about an hours drive from Loma Linda. We first were going to go to Big Bear Lake, which is 9,000 feet above sea level, but later opted under the advice from Michelle we go to Lake Arrowhead. Lake Arrowhead is closer, 45 minute drive and only at 6,000 ft elevation. I was a little disappointed, but in the end it was more worth it.
When we got to elevation myself and Michelle went for a 45 minute run along a trail by the lake. Leo went for a walk and took the wonderful video above. After the run we hit up the little village that is Arrowhead Lake. We got a Hot Chocolate in a cafe and browsed the shops. 
There are some factors that I probably should clue you in on. Loma Linda was in the 70's when we woke up. Arrowhead Lake was in the 30's. When we first arrived in Arrowhead Lake there was a fresh coating of snow and ice on the roads. It was quit the experience to drive 45 minutes and end up in what was a completely different climate. Also for some of you that might not know this running at altitude or high elevation is a beneficial thing to do if done over a long period of time. The air is thinner and less oxygen rich so the body adjusts to that by making more red blood cells etc etc I wont bore you with the medical factors.
We headed back down the mountain around noon to get Michelle back in time for her work at 2. Leo and I made some lunch then we relaxed and enjoyed the warmer climate for a few hours. Then Leo went for a run and I joined her for another 30 minutes of activity. It was really nice and weird at the same time. In the morning I was covered head to toe and in the evening I was in shorts and a tank. What a day.
Now Leo and I are off to make some dinner, apricot chicken with rice and steamed veggies. Check back tomorrow!

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