April 17, 2009

Day 3

So it is sort of late and I will make it quick, even though we did a lot. We went to the original McDonalds location, Leo raced at Mount SAC Relays, and we ate in the Cali food chain In and Out. Tomorrow will be another jammed pack day and I hope to get you up to date with more. But I am sleepy so good night.

Ok Now I have time to edit this guy. Just woke up and having breakfast before I head out on my run. No one else is up. Just me and my laptop.
Yesterday was a jammed packed day, kind of. We started the day off with a trip to the local Wal-mart to get some stuff for Michelle. The only noticeable difference between the Wal-mart here and Wal-mart Long Island style is the cleanliness. I felt like eating my lunch off the floor it was so shiney clean.
After Wal-mart we headed over to the Original McDonalds site were there is now a museum set up. The building has a bit of history which I have in a fact sheet I was given, and might share with you in a later blog. It was cool to see all the Happy Meal toys and other things that brought back fond memories of my child hood. I can tell you that when McDonalds first opened they sold burgers for 15 cents and fries for 10, that was in 1948. I ended the trip with a photo with Ronald and then we headed back.
I went for my run at noon with Michelle as Leo prepared for her race. It was a bit warm, and there is very little tree coverage in the trails that we ran it. But they were nice and hilly and that made for some extreme pain.
Once done with the run we got ready to head to Leo's race. The whole reason that we are out in Cali. It is called the Mount SAC Relays and it can be followed online. However her race is done with and can be viewed by going to this link. LEO'S RACE She starts out towards the back and works her way up nicely to finish top 10 overall.
Just for you non track buffs, this meet is a Big Deal. It is like the Daytona 500 of track. It is the first major race of the year. This is where some of the big guns start to state their intentions for the track season.
Once Leo was done with her race and her cool down we headed out of the Stadium because the temperature dropped quickly. We then headed to In-N-Out. A Cali hamburger chain that started the same year as McD's. However this one didn't erupt all over the world. The menu at In-N-Out consists of 3 different burgers, Fries and Drinks thats it. So the decisions are rather easy. You also have the option of 3 combo meals. Another tough decision. Anyway I ordered the greasiest thing on the menu so I get the true dining out experience. 
All in all today was a jammed filled day and I enjoyed all the sites that I saw. Now on Friday we are traveling to the beach for some fun in the sun. But first I need to get my run done.

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