It all started with me planting some Sunflowers. (see photo above) The reason these were planted is they were going to be used for Leonora's bouqet at the wedding. Most of them were good enough to be used. So I had to take a photo of them before I cut some down. You see the really tall one. Well it measures 3 meters tall, just over 10 feet tall. Pretty tall?!?! Well that prompted me to look up the record for tallest Sunflower, only to be outdone by a mere 30 FEET! The World Record for Tallest Sunflower is over 40 feet Tall.
Just a quick note none of these stories relate in anyway, they have just happened to me over the last month.
Right before the wedding I was playing with Leo's neices. We were jumping on the trampoline out in the back. I would just like to make you aware of a rule that the Joy's have and that is 1 person on the tramp at a time. I was told this was because Danielle had to be airlifted to the hospital when she was younger because she fell off. Well I soon found out for myself. We were taking 3 minute turns on the tramp doing our best tricks possible Kaylee went first and did some neat spings and sumersaults. Then Danielle went and attempted some spins and saults but did pretty well for herself. It was then yours truely's turn and I wasnt doing anything to outrageous and then I got too high, lost my balance and was forced to try and land on one leg. Well thats were the issue began, with all the pressure on my one leg the tramp fabric ripped down the middle and I wound up half on the tramp and halfway through to the ground.
The landing was slightly painful, and left little bits of tramp shrapnel imbedded into my skin. While everyone stood around and laughed at me I gingerly walked up to the house to lay down because I got that feeling in your stomach whenever you hurt yourself. You know the feeling like you are lightheaded and going to vomit. I plopped myself there for a bit until the feeling went away.
After that incident I had another one about a week later where I was minding my own bussiness laying in the hamic reading some novel when the cord ripped and I crashed to the ground severely bruising my coccyx (aka Ass Bone) That one was not nearly as bad as the tramp as there was less force. None the less it was still a painful one.

So this brings me to my last two weeks of being in NZ. I decided that I needed to take part in something that is readily kiwi. I was given an offer to try and play some field hockey on a real casual social summer hockey team. So I took them up on it. In my first game, the first time ever picking up a stick I had two assists and an OWN goal. We lost that game 6-5. I got asked to come back and play in the last game of the season. That game I played even better, I scored! ... TWICE ... and had the game winning assist. We won 4-3 and it was a sweet feeling.
In my last game I had the added pressures of Leo's dad watching. Now he is a Hockey buff, and I didnt want to do anything too stupid whilst he watched. So it was good that I lit the field a fire. lol ... modest I know.
Do not hurt yourself any more on your last few days there. This was a nice blog and I missed reading it. I hope you continue to post when you are back in the USA. Well I am sure this week will be full of emotions for you. Enjoy the rest of your stay in NZ and can't wait to see you home.
Mike I am so glad your back. We have missed you. Please stay save for your home coming. We all have missed you and can not wait to see you. We hope you stay in NZ was a good one and it sound like you had a lot of great experiences. A chance of a life time. Enjoy your last few days and give Leo a kiss for all of us.
love tse
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