April 17, 2008

Postie School Graduate!

Hey All, as many of you know already I have a job at the NZ Post. I know how ironic? I will be writing a book at the end of my stay about the US Post and the NZ Post. Hey maybe I will travel the world working for the various post companies. Then you guys will never see me again. Just Kidding. Here is a little summary of my four day certification course.
Day One
The Postie School is located an hour from Joy house. So inorder to be at the school for the start of the day this requires me to leave the Joy house at 545, incase of city traffic. In turn that requires me to wake up at 515. Ouch I know... So that is how day One, Three, and Four started.
I wake up at it is pitch black in the room and all I hear is howling winds and heavy rain. Terrific my start is going to be in the rain. However it is school so hopefully I will be indoors for the day. We left on time and managed to miss the bad traffic but still hit some, I arrived at the training school at 700, I chillax in the car for twenty minutes and then head for my first day.
I walk into the classroom and there are two other individuals sitting at a square Boardroom like table. There are also three instructors standing at the front of the room. I grab the only seat left that has books infront of it. Then the instrustors introduce themselves and we are off on our way. Page after page of information that we need to take in. Its boring but atleast its not in the rain. after three hours of information they send us on our break, but before the break the dreaded words come out of the instructors mouths "I hope you dont mind getting wet!" Ah Bugger!!!
After break we get outside on the bikes and have a crash course in delivering mail. We ride around on the bikes in the parking lot of different obstacle in the road. We get soaking wet but have a good time. We head back inside around one take some id photos and then are sent on our way homes for day two. Day two will be an observation day at the branch, hopefully the weather gets better!?!?
Day 2
Day 2 starts out the same as day one, just not as early. I awake to heavy rain a pitch blackness. I head down to the Branch for 700. Today is an observation day, I tag along with a postie and see what goes on. It is very similar to US Post except that I am on a bike while deliver the mail. It doesn't suprise me that my first day out and about is in the pouring rain. Hey just like my dad says "If it wasnt for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all!"
I am following around Rhoda. She has been doing postie for far too long she tells me, but it keeps her slim so she enjoys it. I follow her every move, just like a stalker follows a stalkee. The day was going smoothly until we head out the door to start delivering the mail. I load the bikes on the bike rack and jump in the car. Rhoda drives out to the starting point with the bikes, and I follow. Good thing I follow because Rhoda hits a huge bumb and the bike rack comes off the car completely. So it takes awhile to get sorted but in the end we do. Then we get out to the starting point and Rhoda relises that she has forgotten the starting mail. She drives back while I sit in the car and wait for her return. She returns 15 minutes later and we are ready to strat the day in the rain.
I follow behind Rhoda on my bike. Remember the rain is pouring down still and will for the rest of the day. Of course it stops when we finish but only when we finish. So the following is pretty boring. The area I was in with Rhoda was rather hilly so it was not easy. I just could not wait to get out of the rain and into some dry clothes. After being out there for 2 hours my dream comes true. We have finished the mail and I can go home! The drive home was crazy because I had to drive on the Motorway for the first time by myself in a Hurricane! It was so heavy you could not see past the hood of the car. So much thunder and lightening it shook the car. It was a crazy experience. I drove carefully and made it home safely.
Day 3
Today back to the early rise, 515. Woke to pitch blackness, but no rain. it was a nice feeling. however that was short lived on the way down to the training school the rain picked up and was a mess. At training school it was rather boring just taking in information and practicing sorting. I will spare you all the details but it was extremely boring. They did let us out early. So after a wasted day in my eyes we were let out an hour early. Remember I get paid the whole day even if we get done early. If anyone wants details of the boringness let me know. I will strain and try to rememeber the boredom, but I can not make any promises that I will remember.
Day 4
Last Day of 515 wake up, YAY! Yes still darkness and yes there was rain. Today was supposed to be the "fun" day at the training school. HA yeah right, more boredom and information. We did more of the same from the day before. Practicing safe and healthy technique, sorting and sitting and listening to the instructor. However towards the end of the day we also had speakers come and talk to us about other aspects of NZ Post. We had a big long talk from a guy that is the head of security and he told us "Dont tamper and play with the mail! Dont steal or I will beat your ass and fire you!" (Imagine a big red haired dude 8 feet tall pointing his finger at you SCARY!) At the end of the day we had to take a test and needed 90% to pass. I scored 96%!
I know I know, "Why didnt you score a 100%?"
It doesnt matter thats why! I passed the exam and got my certificate! I was now officially a Postie and could start work for real.

In my opinion the training school is a big waste of time. They hold you hostige for three days and all you do is get information on top of information. If you ask me what I have learned I will tell you I cant remember. O well I got paid for the boredom. I guess it is the least they could do for us.

And that is Postie Training School!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can understand the boredom, that was awfully boring to read...:) but at least it didnt take me three days! Hope all is well TTYS ...Miss ya lotz!