January 08, 2013

The Past Few Days

Instead of boring everyone with the past few days in words I will share the events through photos.

Day 1 - Went and saw Rise of the Guardians with Kaylee, Danielle and Eveline.
Day 2 - We went to the dunes in the middle of the woods at Bethells Beach
There  you go sledding down the dunes. Top-Granddad going head first. BL-Kaylee on the flying disc.
BR-Danielle swimming down on her stomach.  

Day 3 - We went strawberry picking with Danielle, Sasha, Erin, Cindy and Bart. Leo and I left with 3.5kg for $24
That 3.5kg doesn't include all the ones that we ate. L-R Sasha, Leo & Erin
Day 4 - We met up with some New Zealanders that we know from Stony Brook. Hayley, Lucy and Holly.

Today was the last full day that Eveline Kaylee and Danielle are here so we did some shopping. We even went to a Thrift Shop or 2 or 7. Hope everyone is finding 2013 to be great so far. Got 8 more days here so keep on the look out for some more updates.

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