September 10, 2008

Mid Week Update

I know that the video above is pretty delayed. What can I say? I have been lazy about the whole video making process. But I got it to you in the end. I am currently working on the video from the Northland Trip and that will hopefully be up sometime next week.
So before I left the USA I purchased some 12 month Holiday Working Visa Insurance from a company in New Zealand, Orbit. Well for the year it costed me $220 dollars and that covered property while traveling and emeregency health care. Since I did not request to have my filling to fall out, get infected, and need a root canal this is considered an emergency.
The way that the insurance works in New Zealand is the person getting the procedure pays the money out and then they claim it back through the insurance company. So many of you were interested in how much I will have to pay the answer is " I am really unsure." The breakdown of the cost of the Root Canal is $350 for the first visit $350 for visit two and then $250 for the last visit. A grand total of $950 out of pocket payment. After my last visit I then have to take all the receipts given to me from the Dentist and fill out a claim form. Then I need to make a nice packet and mail it down to Christchurch, they then review it and write me a check for what I have spent.
Many of you are probably thinking:
"Oh it wont be that easy! Insurance companies are pains in the arse!!!"
However here in NZ the insurance companies take care of their customers, apparently they go the extra kilometer* to make sure you are taken care of. Atleast that is the impression that I get, they dont send you on the run around to get your money back. They are very helpful.
So I have two more visits to go with my next one on this Monday coming up, it is an 11 am appointment and I will be taking a half day at work so I can get there in time. Cross your fingers and pray that everything works out well.
*Distance in New Zealand measured using the metric system. FYI 1.609 Kilometers = 1 mile
I received a message from a fan of the blog that said they "Were enjoying my new found vernacular!"
For those that are reading and might not know what "vernacular" means it simply is the language of the locals. Yes they speak English in NZ but they have different words for things than we do in NY. Just like traveling from state to state there is different meanings of words. I did a post about some words ages ago. So for those that dont remember I will post some more examples below.
New Zealand local word on the left --- Our LI meaning on the right
Kia Ora --- Hello
Good Day --- Greetings, Hello, How are you?
Partner --- BF/GF Wife/Husband (In a Heterosexual way)
Cuzzy Bro --- Close Friends
Mates --- Friends
Foot Path --- Sidewalk
Boot --- Trunk
Tow Bar --- Hitch
Petrol Station --- Gas Station
Motorway --- Highway/Parkway
Car Park --- Parking Lot
Trolley --- Shopping Cart
Push Bike --- Bicycle
Harbour --- Harbor
Labour --- Labor
Tomato Sauce --- Ketchup
Sauces --- Dressings
Chips --- Fries
Fizzy Drink --- Soda
I think that you get the picture. There are several others but I use them so frequently now that they are escaping me. I might be taking on the vernacular but there is no mistaking where my accent comes from, LawnGuyLand, Nu Yawk.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mike I expect better of you. Your KM to MI conversion is backwards. 1 Km =0.62xx miles. It is ironic since they go further to help you eventhough the KM is shorter. I bet they go the extra 1609.33 meters whereas lazy American corperations round it off to a 1600.