August 12, 2008

Same Shit Different Day

So I have been slacking a lot lately on the whole blog thing. Is it because my life is not interesting? Is it because I am a slacker? Or is it because I have so much else to do? Well there really is no excuse, I just need to man up and get them done.
So this one will get started with the Weber Brother's Circus.
There has been a circus in town for the last few weeks and they will be here for a few more weeks. On friday Leo's brother gave her a call and asked if we wanted to go to the circus. With nothing better on the bill for the evening we decided to go. I had no clue what to expect but was looking forward to it.
It was not the typical circus that you are used to, for starters there was no animals, secondly there was only a few hundred seats making it a very intimate setting. There was also only four clowns, and one act of gags. The rest of the show was ruled by Asains doing insane things. They swung from the ceiling, juggled with their feet, and did some other crazy stuff.
For the most part you had to be there to believe the stuff that we saw. Here are some photos of the craziness.

The lighting wasnt the best and this is what I got.

The rest of the weekend was pretty boring, worked, ran and watched a lot of the Olympics. I am really excited about the Olympics, the coverage here is awesome as well. They follow a lot of the American athletes, especially Michael Phelps. So it has been exciting so far to watch, I dont know where I find the time especially when I am so busy.

Let me move on to another topic, weather. The last two days have been nice, little rain and a lot of sun. However that was false hope today was another weather bomb. Delivering the mail in this weather is crazy by the time the mail actually reaches the mailbox it is a soaked ball of mush. No one wants the mail that way, but it has be to be delivered. Sucks for me right? YES it does! Out there with two rain jackets, squishing in my shoes and wrinkled skin trying to deliver the mail the best I can. Its days like this that make me think that I am absolutely nuts for enjoying this jog. It is also days like this that make me want to take the mail down to the creek and dump it in and then drive home. However my concious gets the better of me and I tough it out in the rain.
Looking ahead the rest of the week looks pretty boring, nothing exciting going on work and Olympics. The weekend I make my Takapuna Club debut at Auckland Road Champs. I will report back next week about the race.
Where is HurricaneOne News?
As some of you may have noticed HurricaneOne News has not been on in awhile. Well there is a good explaination for that. The crew is striking... Mr. WeatherMap, Treen Dawg, Mikey Pee and High Technology Map are on strike. Claiming working difference as the reason for the strike. I am patiently working with them to get them back in studio to get the news back. If I need to I will do the news myself. Which might be difficult but will be able to get it done. The format may change but it will be the same idea. Get the News to the viewer.

Thats all I have for you guys this week, I need to go and watch Phelps win his 4th Olympic Gold.

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