August 25, 2008

Olympics Over

So Now that the Olympics are over I can finally pull myself away from the Tele and come and let everyone know what has been happening over the last two weeks. Besides Olympics there has been some running, working, boobs on bikes and much much more. Let me start off with what I personal have done and then I will move onto some crazy kiwi things that went on that I was not apart of. Just so you can get a feel for what goes on around here.
Other than working and running nothing big has been going on. I did however watch an insane amount of Olympics. My typical day consisted of Working, Watching Olympics, Going for run during evening news, watching more olympics and then bed. In all I figured I was watching between 8-10 hours of Olympic coverage a day. It was good coverage indeed.
Throughout the Olympics I found that I was rooting for countries that I would not normal want to win. I basically followed this basic guideline of support. 1) USA 2) New Zealand 3) Anyone who was playing Australia/China.
Also during the Olympics I found that I was doing some insane things. For instance I woke up at 3AM to watch the final of the Mens 1500 meter run, which I am glad I did cause it was an awesome race. Another time I went to bed at 8 got up at 1125 to watch the Mens 800, Womens 1500 and Mens 5k runs, again another great move on my part because the racing was awesome. I figured what the hell the olympics only comes once every for years so I might as well do it.
Now that the games are over I am lost with what to do with myself. One thing that I am currently doing is regaining contact with the outside world, which is a good thing. And other things I have been doing is reading a lot of analysis of the medal count. So I have a few FYI's about the medal count that I would like to share with you (I also found them interesting)
1-The United States won the same amount of golds (36) that they did in Athens, continuing a remarkable consistency that the nation has exhibited over the past half-century. American Olympic gold totals since 1952: 40, 32, 34, 36, 45, 33, 34, 83, 36, 37, 44, 38, 36 and 36. (The outlier of 83 was from the boycotted 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.)
2-Michael Phelps would have finished tied for 9th in the gold medal count, ahead of countries including France, Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Argentina, Switzerland, Brazil and Mexico.
-The rest of the world won seven golds in men's swimming events. Phelps, of course, won eight.
And my personal favorite-China won 27 gold medals in judged sports. <---To that breathes controversy. To view more interesting facts check out Fourth Place Medal .
Moving right along, I got a few emails of concern about my running and why I havent posted results from Auckland Road Champs, and my log. Well here is that installment.
It was a tough race on a very tough course. I cam 7th in my race and 6th overall in the Open Mens race. The course was a 2k loop of rolling hills and a point turn around. There was absolutely no flat and no where for one to get into a rythem, and with that I found the race difficult. It was good to get the cob webs out of the legs from not being in a race in a while, I have been doing monster training and it was nice to test the fitness a bit. My next race is September 6th New Zealand Road Champs in Hamiliton so I will keep you up to date on that.
Log-looks like I need to catch you up on a month of we go

Monday July 28th - 8 miles felt real good and smooth
Tuesday July 29th- AM 3 PM 9 6xstrides felt real good again nice and smooth legs are feeling good.
Weds July 30th- 3wu/cd 3k 921 2k 613 600 148 Felt real good, calf started to tighten up a bit on the 600 so I ended the workout there, wanted to do 2 400's but felt I better play it safe. Otherwise the workout felt good.
Thurs July 31st- 12 miles calf still a little tight did some extra streching, feels heaps better from yesderday.
August 1st- AM 4 PM 8 6xstrides Still pretty sore and heavy after the workout, calf is loosen up so no worries with that.
August 2nd- w/o with Hodge in Wellington 25 minutes 3x5min and then 30min a little hilly ran them real hard still heavy from workout on Weds but no calf tightness so its all good.
August 3rd- 18 w/ Hodge- muddy, hilly and almost attacked by some cows it was an interesting run and that was only the first half the second half was crazy too. Felt good tho.
Week Stats 84 miles --- July stats 350 miles 9 Workouts 1 Road Race 5k PR 1545 and start New Pair or shoes
Monday August 4th- 8 miles tired from trip but came on as the run went along.
Aug 5th- AM 4 PM 8 6xstrides Felt good on both runs legs back under me.
Aug 6th- 3wu/cd 8x1k felt really good got them done at 3 minute pace, last two really had to puch.
Aug 7th- 12 miles felt really good really loose not too heavy from w/o but that will come tomorrow.
Aug 8th- AM 4 PM 8 6xstrides Heavy as on the first run and then the second run was heaps better felt real good on the strides.
Aug 9th- 3wu/cd 8 mile tempo started out slow built into it real good5:55 :50 :45 :44 :36 :35 :34 & :23 Average 841
Aug 10th- 14 miles run at a pretty quick pace, not on purpose felt good.
Week Stats 85 miles
Monday Aug 11th- AM4 PM8 felt good on both runs
Aug 12th- 9 6xstrides felt good on the run.
Aug13th- 3wu/cd 2 x 2 min, 330, 5 min 2 min rest inbetween felt really good.
Aug 14th- 12 miles ran comfortable andrelaxed trying to freshen up a little for race but mainly going to train through this one.
Aug 15th- 8 6xhard strides felt good on the run legs really under me looking forward to the race.
Aug 16th- 6 miles real easy jog
Aug 17th- Auckland Road Champs 3wu/cd 10k 3353 See explanation above
Week Stats 72 miles
Monday Aug 18th- 8 really sore and heavy quads from the constant up and down of the course
Aug 19th- AM 4 PM 8 3x strides felt a lot better on second run
Aug 20th- 3wu/cd 6x1k under 3 min real tough workout legs still heavy from race but I am training through so got to get it done.
Aug 21st- 12 miles sluggish and heavy from workout and race still but not as bad as I would of thought.
Aug 22nd- AM 4 PM 6 real easy both runs comfortable and relaxed.
Aug 23rd 3wu/cd 8 mile tempo same as last time but wanted to go for a quicker average of the total time. 5:43 :34 :35 :39 :35 :30 :30 :18 Average 5:34 felt real good and relaxed
Aug 24th 18 in heavy ass rain and wind body felt better as the run went along.
Week Stats 84 miles
Just some other cool interesting stats to share with anyone who cares
1) I have run everyday since I got here, so I am up in the 160's for consecutive days.
2) I have logged 1,084 in the 100 Days of summer Mileage with one week to go and
3) I have logged 2,260 miles for the year so far.
Now moving along What have the crazy local been up to... Well for one there was this event called "Boobs on Bikes"
Boobs on Bikes is a mostly annual parade of semi-nude pornstars riding on motorcycles through large New Zealand cities (in the past, Christchurch and most prominently Auckland).
It is organized by the somewhat locally famous pornographer Steve Crow, to advertise his activities and the Erotica Expo, an adults-only pornography trade exhibition.
2006 Auckland
In 2006, the parade, then much smaller and less known, made headlines in Auckland, when Steve Crow asked for permission from the city council, which was granted. Strong political opposition later materialized from parts of the public and some politicians, including mayor Dick Hubbard and most of the Auckland City Councillors. Legal experts however concluded that the parade could not be denied by current laws (bare-breasted women not being an indecency in New Zealand in this age, as a police spokesman noted). Also, the organizers had technically asked only for assistance with traffic control for the parade and declared themselves determined to go ahead even in the face of opposition.
The acrimonious debate about the parade ensured that when the parade took place several weeks later, Queen Street was packed with spectators. Rough counts estimate around one hundred thousand people, of which about one fifth were reported to be female. The 2006 parade contained about 15-20 female pornstars on 26 bikes and two decomissioned army tanks.
2007 Christchurch
The 2007 'Boobs on Bikes' parade was held in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 2. This parade received less national media attention than the Auckland parade the year before, as unlike in Auckland, there was no attempt by city councillors to prevent it. However, Christchurch City Council did release a press statement stating that they had "not approved or received an application to hold the proposed "Boobs on Bikes" parade on Friday, 2 March from Erotica event organisers." The press release stated that the council must be consulted for any procession that will interfere with traffic, or may require crowd management. Erotica Festival organiser Steve Crowe has brushed this off, saying that it is a promotion, not a parade, and all rules of the road will be observed.
City council and organizers of the event say they had received numerous complaints about the parade, however it isn't in the city's jurisdiction to act, as female toplessness is not illegal in New Zealand. Council transport and streets manager Michael Aitken told NZPA that the "standard of dress of participants is not a matter that the Council can control."
Police inspector Gary Knowles commented that it was a "moral not a criminal issue. We have taken legal advice and unless there is a breach of the peace, we cannot intervene."
Here is an article from this years Parade...
'Boobs on Bikes' parade revs up Kiwis
OFFICES in New Zealand's largest city emptied and an estimated 100,000 workers lined Auckland's main street today to enjoy the annual "Boobs on Bikes" parade.
Around one hundred porn stars and drag queens cruised through the bustling business district on motorbikes, while the male-dominated crowd jostled to get photographs... Read Whole Article
After all that excitment what can I say but I do have one more thing to share with you.
Daffodil Day is approaching on August 29th 2008. Daffodil Day, the New Zealand Cancer Society's flagship annual event, is one of the most important fundraising and awareness campaigns in the country.
Daffodil Day is the culmination of a month of fundraising activities, and is a time when people support the Cancer Society’s essential work.
We use the daffodil as our symbol as it is one of the first flowers of spring, whose bright yellow blooms remind us of the joys the new season will bring. It represents the hope there is for all those affected by cancer.
The National Bank of New Zealand is the proud principal sponsor of the event, and the hard work of its employees helps focus the nation's attention on our cause every year.
Cancer affects 1 in 3 New Zealanders. With your help, we have the hope of reducing its incidence and impact.
More About Daffodil Day is at there Official Website.
Since I know someone who fought cancer and WON I am going to support this day, I will make a donation and rock some yellow clothing to show that I support the cause.
Now I could go on about how Leo's sister Eveline and Family were up this weekend or how I made a mean feast for everyone yesterday, but I am going to spare you the details of that boring stuff.
I will now leave you with one more thing. The TV ads in NZ I find to be somewhat higher quality, meaning to me that they have an awesomeness factor that is greater than commercials in the states. I have showed you the Cadbury Gorilla commercial which is the best one I have seen. I have for you another clever ad for the New Mitshubishi Lancer
New Lancer-New Life

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