November 30, 2008

Post Turkey Day and Post "Mo"vember

So the weekend is over, ate a lot of turkey and shaved off the "mo"! So the weekend was a good one! So where to start...

The Twelve Days of Christmas are coming up and Hurricane Petrina is coming with something special for the viewers of the blog, but he needs your help. I would like the readers and viewers of my blog to please message me their favorite videos from youtube. The only catch is that they have to be added to youtube between Dec 11th 2007-Dec 10th 2008. I need the videos to me by the 11th so I can start the "Hurricane Petrina 12 Days of Christmas Special" So send me the link, title or keyword and I will watch the video and then from that I will start to drop a present off everyday leading up until Christmas. The Countdown starts the 13th of December so get those entries in. Thanks!

So once you have done that you can continue reading my blog.

Last friday I had a nice chat with many of my family on Thanksgiving. It was the Thanksgiving Bunch I call it. What the ones that talked to me didnt know was that I was going to make a little collage for them.Sorry those I didnt get a picture of, it means that we didnt talk for longer than a few minutes. It takes time stealing a pic of you with out you knowing.

In New Zealand I celebrated and gave thanks on Sunday. We had a nice big feast and watched some taped football games. It was a good time had by all.

We had Turkey, Stuffing, Mash Pototatos, Candied Carrotts and Yams, Corn Muffins, Cranberry -Sauce, Corn, and Much More. For Dessert we had Jell-O with fruit, that my gma makes. So I tried to make it for the Kiwis. I think it looks like what gma makes.While I was incharge of the Jell-O, Lynette and Leo were incharge of the Homemade from scratch pumpkin pie. It was so yummy. I mean look ath the picture below! Dont eat your computer screens please! I am not taking responsibility.

Now I skipped around and I completely forgot about the Kiwi turkey that we ate. It was hunted and killed by Nathanial Joy, gutted and plucked by Julian and then stuffed roasted by Lynette. A all around team effort for a turkey that too was yum!

So I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. As I am thankful for many things but most thankful for those that are reading this blog!

And without further ado the usual weekend recap Vlog

I saved the Video till the end so you would read and see the pics. Til Next Time!

25 Days Till X-MAS

1 comment:

LuAnn said...

Mike this was so nice. It probably was much less noise then us. It looked like you did everything just like we do. glad you enjoyed,miss ya tse