October 05, 2008

Christchurch Airport

As I stand here using the Internet at the Christchurch Airport, I write to you because I have so much time to kill until my flight. I am not in the greatest of moods, it has been a long weekend and all I want to do is go home, but I cant.
My flight is at 810 and it is now 540 I have been here since 145. What have I done for the last 4 hours?
Well first off I stuffed my bag into the storage locker place, and went out for a run. The run killed an hour and forty minutes of the time. Then I retrieved my bag and went and had a shower. Yes they have showers at the Airport. These happened to be at in bathroom in the International Terminal. I happened to notice them by chance. So after I took a shower until it ran out of hot water. I headed outside to have some lunch/dinner. I had brought with me peanut butter and jam sandwiches. So I made and ate three of them. Hopefully that will hold me off until I get home at 10 pm.
It has indeed been a long weekend a lot of travel, some running and no sight seeing... which I am not happy about. You get told to book a late flight on Sunday and do that before everyone else only to find out that everyone else has booked mid afternoon flights. So I am stuck here alone.
Blah Blah Blah listen to Mike bitch about shit that he canyt control, and not feel bad for him blah blah blah.
On friday I woke in Auckland and had breakfast, then caught a plane to Christchurch where I had lunch and went for a run, then the Taka club rented some vans and had a 5 hour road trip to Dunedin where I ate dinner. Today was pretty much the opposite. I woke in Dunedin and had breakfast, then drove up to Christchurch we I ran and had lunch/dinner to catch a plane to get home to Auckland. Something that I will never do again...Maybe...Three major cities in one day for three different meals.
This trip has had a lot of first... Like the shower in an Airport, runs from an Airport, and a few others that I will go into more detail in a blog later in the week. O and for those that were wondering I went to Dunedin for National Road Relays... it was good fun. The Taka boys came 6th overall. I personal ran the 3rd leg, 9k, in 30 min. Not too bad, had some slight ups and downs but nothing major.
Well my time on here is about to expire, you only get 20 min. So with that I will leave you with the quote of the week. "Taka give them the 'Bird'!"No not the MIDDLE finger.

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