September 24, 2008

Odds n Ends

This is going to be a post of Odds n Ends. So basically whatever I feel like typing and sharing with you I am going to do that. It will provide some much needed entertainment in your life!

Rat Race 5k

So the Rat Race is a local 5k that goes on every Wednesday night at 6. It is put on by my New Zealand running club, Takapuna. It is an out and back 5k with a slight uphill to the turn around and then slight down hill to the finish. Overall it is a boring course but a quick one, so that makes it more enjoyable. I have done several workouts on the course and raced it one other time.

The last time I ran the course I travelled the course in fifteen minutes and forty-five seconds and I won in a land slide. This time I recruited some of the other top runners from the club to come and join me. I had five guys come down and apply some pressure on me for some of the race. Most of them were using the effort as a hard workout and not an all out race. The second time around the course I was much quicker, fifteen minutes and ten seconds (15:10). That is 4:53 mile pace for 3.1 miles. For more analysis of this race compared to the first race I will supply my splits. 1st 2.5k -- Yesterday 7:40 First Race 7:55 2nd 2.5k -- Yesterday 7:30 First Race 7:50

Overall I am super excited with my efforts and am looking forward to the next race. The club is heading down to Dunedin for New Zealand National Road Relay Champs on October 4th. look for posts about that trip!


I recieved an inquiry about what I do to kill time from when I get home from work till Leo gets home from work and we go running. At first I thought well I do Jack all day, but then I was AIMing with Mango and realized what I do is much more than that. For starters let me list the things I do. These are in no specific order.

Video Chat

AIM Chat

Google Chat







SRC Website and Blog

Veggie and Fruit Shop

Bread and Milk Shop

Play Hockey Alone in the Backyard

Listen to Music


Make Dinner

Do Dishes


Those are just a few things I do to pass the time. So I have shared some NZ videos with you on this Blog. Now I think I am going to share with you just videos that are funny. Videos that I found while I was sitting here doing Jack All. Viewer beware Harsh Wording Do Not Let Children Watch.

This first video is Titled "Douche Off" and I found this Video on as one of the featured videos. It is real funny and defines a Douche to a "T" Sit back and enjoy.

The next is a three part series that pokes fun at the Magician David Blaine. I will just supply you with the first part and if you want to see the rest you need to go online and find it on youtube.

And of course I have found other videos but will save those for another time. So I hope that you got your entertainment fix for the afternoon. Wasted five minutes of work time. Or just enjoyed your own little viewing session.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I can't believe you are my child. I wish I had the desire to run like you. Where do you get it from? Plus you sound like a good and adventurous cook? Again can't be my child. I love you and miss you, Mom
P.S. When you get back to the "states" I hope you continue to cook!