July 23, 2008

Delayed...By Alot...

So it has been awhile and I have no real excuse. Sorry... I hope that you can forgive me for my absence in your daily life. I hope to make it up to you in my blog here. For starters it has rained everyday for the last SIX WEEKS, no jokes, Leo and I went to tour the Sky Tower this past Sunday, The North Shore Times is a joke and my sister Alyssa went off to Italy with my Grandpa Mike and Filo for a month. Doesnt seem like much but once I get talking, hold on for the ride!
A few weeks back, lets say over six, New Zealand was all worried that the draught we were in was going to cause power shortages. The hydro lakes that are used to produce the electricity to run the country were heading for all time lows. The power companies played ads over the TV, Radio and had billboards warning the patrons to conserve energy now and to stock up for a power shortage. Well fast forward to today and the Hydrolakes are over full, streams and lakes are flooding beyond their banks, front lawns look like ponds and there really is no end in sight.
With all this horrible weather it has caused several issues in NZ that were unexplainable until now. Lets start with the rise in depression. More New Zealanders are reaching out for help from professionals. They are depressed and cant seem to think of real reasons other than the weather is so shit its depressing. I feel their pain, I too feel like arse some days, unmotivated to do jack all. What we need are a few days of consecutive nice days. However the weather people say that they dont see the end. So what needs to be done is seal NZ off with a giant umbrella! It can rain all it wants but we wont get wet and will be able to go outdoors! Other than work and running there is no reason for me to explore the outdoors. If I did that I would be in the rain 24/7.
This all leads to other pressing issues in NZ that go unanswered to the public.
-Why is there an increase in petro prices when the oil barrel is going down?
---The Weather
-Why are there a greater number of automotive incidents?
---The Weather
-Why did those people capture that little Asian girl and stash her in a abandoned house a few blocks over? Which are the houses her dad built without permits from council and now he is in deep shit!
---THE Weather
-Why hasnt Mike gotten a haircut? His hair is now longer than Leo's!
I think you get the picture the weather sucks. While most of you are enjoying the summer, NZ is miserable and depressed...soaking wet.
Sky Tower...Tallest Tower in the Southern Hemisphere...
This past Sunday Leo and I went for a little trip into Auckland. We took the bus, got into the city in no time and then walked the streets. Well sort off, Auckland City really has two main roads, Quay Street which runs along the water and then Queen Street which runs the length of the city and is the shopping street. We catched out a building on the pier that looks like a cruise ship, we went in and out of gift shops and checked out Sky Tower views from different points in the city.

Leo and I were going to tour the tower and then have dinner a the top in its "Orbit"ing Resturant. We headed up Sky Tower at 530, went to the top and took in the views. It was rainy and cloudy so we couldnt see that far, but on a clear day you can see up to 85 kilometers (53 Miles). We took photos and video. There are sections where the floor is glass and you can see straight down, pretty spooky. We then took another elevator ride up to the hishest point in the tower. we walked around there and took in more views. The sun was setting and the city lights were starting to take over the view.
At 615 we headed to the resturant for our dinner. It is a fancy-ish resturant. The Resturant is named Orbit, and it gets this name because you actuall rotate so you can get 360 degree views of Auckland. It is confusing because only the seating area rotates, so the bathroom remains in the same spot and the kitchen etc...Must be confusing for the waiters! You can walk into the bathroom with your table right infront of it and come out 5 min later and it is to your right hand side a good walk away. It takes one hour to rotate the whole way around, at which time the tour guide asks you to leave the ride and follow the signs to the exit. Na NA just kidding, it seems like a ride that would be at Disney World?!?!
After dinner was over we headed down the elevator, did I mention that the elevator has a glass floor as well? It leaves you off at the gift shop, of course! There they have sky tower stuff and they also have heaps of information about the tower. They have a model of the tower that is tall as. We stop to take photos with it.
Leo thinks she is King Kong!
After the meal we rolled back to the bus stop to get the bus home.
The Local Paper...HaHaHa
Around here we get a local paper that comes three times a week free of charge. You can tell that it is free because the articles are shit, the editing is shit and it has nothing to hold the reader to be loyal to the paper. I have two examples of what makes this paper a joke. These are just examples but the rest of the papers are pretty spot on to the examples.
Example One "Brilliant children thrive at school for gifted"
Yes that is how the title appears of the front page of the North Shore Times. I am pretty sure that everyone knows that the first letter of significant words in a title should be capitalized. So the title should read "Brilliant Children Thrive at School for Gifted." Basically in short the article is about Jack, 10, who has a great interest in computers is starting to learn some programing. It continues to say that he is preparring hiself for a job with Microsoft when he finishes with the school when he turns 18. Except there is one slight over sight in the picture... can you spot it?
If you look closely at the photo you will notice that Jack is sitting infront of an Apple computer! If he is learning on an Apple computer why would he want a future with Microsoft? Thats like growing up a Yankees fan, but playing for the Red Sox!?!?
A simple over site that makes the paper seem inferior.
Example Two "First the world-now the universe"
It took me a few tries to type the title as it appears on the paper, but I will correct it, "First the World-Now the Universe." This article really gets me boiling, why this lady, yes she is a lady, has the cover story let alone a story at all is beyond me. She is a cheater! The first line of the article reads "BACK AFTER a two-year ban...On March 1 2006 Johnson, 46, was handed a two year suspension ... for an antidoping violation." In the words of Dane Cook, "Your a cheating whore Grandma(Johnson)!"
The article continues to talk about how she prepares for the Miss Universe competition after her ban for "cheating". The article never used the word "cheating", "doping" was the word of choice, but why they even give her an article? I cant wait to get the follow up article about how she fell on her face at the Miss Universe competition becuase it came back that she was actually a MAN! I am sorry but she does not deserve such a positive article! CHEATER!
Since the article about Grandma(pa) Johnson ran I have not read another single article! It is a joke and I cannot subject myself to that!
Notes From a Boot Shaped Country
Alyssa wanted me to share with you what she saw when she first entered Italy.
The Alps Mountain Range.
She didnt ask me to share what she has been up to but I will do that as well.

Day One
Hey everyone, Let me start off by saying Milan is beautiful and clean. The scenery of the Alpes is beautiful. OK so im having alot of difficulty with the calling card. I tried to use it but i cant seem to get it to work. When i get to a pay phone i will try it there. So im sitting in Guilias room typing this email to you and i have met Agatha, Guilia, Rosario but no Angelo yet. Everyone is very kind and though i dont understand what they are saying Guila n Filo are translating for me. I didnt sleep on the plane but i am very excited soo I am not even tired. I noticed in there liquor cabinent that they have Jagermeister and Agatha n Peter like it very much. I said in america it is very popular with red bull. Peter said he will have to try it. lol I dont know when i will be able to be on the internet again but im hoping real soon to keep you updated. It is lunch time so i will ttyl. CIAO!!!! Love, Alyssa

Day Two

HELLO!!!!! Glad to see my money is the account....it is perfect weather here in asti because it is not to hott n not humid and there is a slight cool breeze which feels great....i had pasta carbanora and chicken and its not how filo makes it but it was still good. than i took a shower but it is realli weird the way i had to shower its kinda like showering in the camper because its only a bath not a shower where u take the water hose and move it around to wash yourself lol. Than after my shower Guilia took me to a ymca where there were her friends ranging from 11-19. we had a good time laughin, playing the guitar, fusbol, ping pong and they all asked me about america it was cute and i had alot of fun. than we came back to agathas house where i got to meet antionette,guiseppi, frank, and miriana who is soo soo cute. We had a light dinner of fried zucchini and cheese and baquette(bread) it was good the zucchini. now im typing u and once im done we will play scopa. i havent slept since yesterday so im gunna have to go to bed soon. i dont know when i will be able to talk to you on the telefono but hopefully soon. filo n gpa say hello n regards to all. hows everyone doing by you? tell trish that they habve both ".com" and ".it" lol im having a great time and learning italian fast. miss all tell everyone we say hello n talk to you soon. ciaoalyssa

Day Three

hola mama lol I did get some presents out. Last night i played guilia guitar. than we played scopa. me n guilia against agatha n filo but me n guilia lost but it was alot of fun. than we went to sleep. i sleep with guilia on the couch bed. Oggi(Today) we went into the town (me guilia n angelo) they took me to the churchs n around town. Everyone is so nice especially the priest that showed me around the muesum. Me n giulia n filo just played uno and for lunch we ha pizza it was good. i still have a cold which sux and my ears are clogged but im taking the advil cold and sinus and hopefully it goes away real soon. the weather is great here. it still hasnt hit me that i am in italy because i feel so comfortable with everyone. after the computer i will be going with giulia again to the ymca. im not to sure what the rest of the week would be like but i think ill be having fun. i wont be leaving asti till saturday but we are visiting places during this time. I want you to call me tonite 10pm here so that would be 4pm by you. i will be waiting to here from you. please email me if you will call me tonight. ok ciao

Charts - If anyone is still interested I have the charts for this past week to share with you. Yes Chris Brown in no longer number one, and you will not believe who took his place.

Top 5 Movies
1. Kung Fu Panda
2. Hancock
3. Mamma Mia!
4. Get Smart
5. Prince Caspian
Top 5 Albums
1. Viva La Vida - Coldplay
2. Rockferry - Duffy
3. Indestrucible - Disturbed
4. Past, Present Future- Tiki Taane
5. Flight of the Conchords
Top 5 Songs
1. In The Air Tonight - Phil Collins
2. Always on my Mind - Tiki Taane
3. I Kissed a Girl - Kate Perry
4. Closer - Ne-Yo
5. When I Grow Up - Pussycat Dolls

Yes Phil Collins is number one. That is not a typo and it is due to the creative ad that aired during my last news broadcast, but if you didnt see that let me supply it for you.

I hope that you have all wasted a good chunk of your day reading and exploring this blog entry. I will try and be up ontop of it more frequently, but I cant make any promises until the weather gets better.

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