April 27, 2008

ANZAC Day Part Deux, Updates, and Horton

The much anticipated Part Deux to my ANZAC Day Blog. After the ceremony we headed home to get ready for Danielle's(Leo's Niece) Surprise 6th Birthday Party! When we got home the child needed to be entertained while all the party doinging were doing. A cake was baked, fruit kabobs, cake was decorated, dinner was prepared and everyone started to arrive. I of course was in charge of the BBQ! Like always...
Children arrived and the food was being prepared. The cake was made and now being decorated. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and a whole lot of lollies (NZers Lollies=Candy).
For dinner we had sausages, BBQ honey chicken, and spicy chicken. There was also heaps of other food to snack on.
Nat's (Leo's Brother) girlfriend Rebecca brought around some face paint to paint the faces of the children. However after the children's faces were painted the adult children decided to pain each others faces. I will show you what we did instead of telling you.Me Leonora Nat Becca
The evening came to an early end for me. I had to be to work at 630 the next morning. So I hit the sac at 2030. Remember I have been up since 500 am, so I am knackered.
Every now and again I will have things that I want to update you guys on. They usually involve previous post. There are only a few things today that I would like to update you guys on.
  • From 10 things I have Noticed so Far...Gas has risen steadily since this post. A lot of the gas stations are breaking away from the status quo that all stations have the same price for gas. Right now BP has the highest price of gas, 1.88.9 for 91. There are a slew that have gas set at 1.85.9. The lowest around is 1.79.9 and that has been seen at a Mobil and a Shell. In addition they have this program, if you spend more than $40 at the Supermarket you get a 4 cents off voucher per liter. So you take that voucher into the gas station and they deduct it from your bill. So that is pretty handy because you always go to the supermarket. They also have the occasional promotion 10 cents off per liter when you spend over $70 at the Supermarket.
  • From This One's for Cenzo... My dad had inquired on what my gas mileage was for my 1990 Toyota Corona. After a few fill ups and some calculations and conversions it works out to be an average of 28 MPG. You have to remember there is very little highway driving, usually none. So most of the driving is equivalent to around town driving. So that is a pretty good average.

Any questions? Comments? Want an update about something? Let Me Know michael.petrina@gmail.com . Then look for the next updates section.


This past week I went to the movies for the first time in New Zealand. I went with Leo, her bro Nat, his GF Becca and Danielle. The movies can be an expensive experience here. Lucky for Leo and I we happened to have a coupon for 2 for $20. Movies usually cost adults anywhere from $15-$20 a ticket. Children and seniors are nabbed around $10, there is also discounts for students.

The theatre gives off the old school theatre vibe. One where you would go and see a play. Somewhat like Radio City Music Hall, but not as grand. The whole place is patterned carpet, you have assigned seating (if show is sold out), the chairs are huge plush comfy chairs and the size of the theatre are medium size. You have plenty of room to move and operate. The snack bar and service is something that would be found in a movie. Of course the prices are outrageous, just like the States. The popcorn is extra salty and buttery, and the candy is hard to chew.

The movie started and I just sat back a relaxed, the chairs were so comfy I could fall asleep. Not only that but the movie was pretty awesome. I enjoyed it, Jim Carey and Steve Carrell did a great job with the voice of the main characters. I was so inspired by the movie that we went home and read other Dr. Seuss books. For those that are debating whether or not to go and see it. I would totally do it, but that is me and I am not you.

Overall the movie experience was pretty good. No sticky floors, big heads and loud talking people. NZ Movie theatres get an "A"... so far, I still need to see other theatres and other movies to come to a conclusive decision.

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