June 30, 2008


Hello Everyone, Man do I have a lot to catch you up on, and I have some requests that I need to fulfill. Where to begin work, running, and producing... Lets start with work!
As you should know I am a Postie, a damn good postie at that. This past week they decided to reward me with my efforts. First off I was given a little present from New Zealand Post to show their appreciation for my ass kicking Postie skills. You may call me the Karl Malone of NZ Post. O Yeah the present, I was given a nice set of cheese knives and a cutting board to put cheese and crackers on. It is really handy and nice except for the fact that I sliced my finger the other night while cleaning the knives. So now I am sueing NZ Post for pain and suffering. Just Kidding this is not America, they dont do that kind of stuff here.
In other news at work they are giving me a new run, a more difficult and rewarding run, a run that comes with overtime $$ However before I move onto my new $ run I must train my replacement on my old run. Rai is his name and he is a brand new postie, only been there a few days and he will be learning under my supervision. It is kind of crazy that I have been there less than three months and I am training someone. People have been there decades and are trusted to train someone. Yet another reason I was deserving of the cheese board. I just want to state that I am gloating because God punished by slicing my finger, so I will gloat to show you that I deserved to be sliced and diced.
Also at work they had a little contest, fill out a post card mail it to headquaters in Wellington and that gave you a shot to win tickets to see Opshop. Opshop is a kickass NZ band that I have played for you guys in previous posts. So I filled out my postcard went down to the post shop, bought my stamp and mailed off the card. Ten days later I receive a package and it is two tickets for Opshop Kickass... I was sooooooo... pumped, I screamed like a little school girl at a Nsync concert. It was totally freakin' awesome. So the concert is July 12th, a nice little Bday gift from NZ post to me... man I must be doing something right at that place.
Where do I go from there, of course to my other job...Runner
"Run Forrest Run"
The training has been going real well, and I have been slacking on keeping those that care up to date on my training. It was brought to my attention this week that I should start posting my running again. Thank You Mango... So I will give you my log for the last two weeks and continue to do so for the rest of my entire life. Here it is...

Monday June 16 - AM 4 PM 8 - Heavy rains plagued these runs from the start they were slow runs to recover from my weekends long workout and long run. Body feeling heavy and flat.
Tuesday June 17 - 10 plus strides, ran relaxed and was feeling good towards the end of the run, strides help stretch me out a bit.
Wednesday June 18 - 3 wu/cd 10x2 min w/ 90... goal was to run the 2 min efforts at goal race pace and that is what I did. I pushed the best I could and was feeling better as the workout went on. I am looking forward to my race on Sunday.
Thursday June 19 - AM 4 PM 11 feeling really good after the workout, running relaxed and easy till the race.
Friday June 20 - 10 feeling really good legs coming bak under me, should be a good race on Sunday
Saturday June 21 - 7 plus strides loose and relaxed cut it short to use the bathroom.
Sunday June 22 - AM Race PM 4 - 3wu4cd race was in terrible rainy windy conditions, tough effort ran 1645 for 5.1k Happy with the effort, afto run to flush out the legs tight calves.
Total 80 Miles
Monday June 23 - 8 real easy after the race
Tuesday June 24 - 15 heavy rain and hail, legs felt good, but then again that was the least of my worries.
Wednesday June 25 - 13 got lost missed turn ran 1.5 miles out of the way on direction, got direction at gas station and headed home.
Thursday June 26 - 10 plus 6x200 in 32/33 w/1 min... feeling a little better legs beat up a little from back to back longish runs.
Friday June 27 - AM Nil PM 8 - planned on AM run but heavy ass rain and cold wind kept me in bed the extra 40 minutes the PM run was good, relaxed, the sllep in was a good idea.
Saturday June 28 - WO 3wu/cd 8x600 w/2 min - workout started a little slow, could be due to the wind the chilly air and the fact that I have not run this fast in awhile. hit 151/51/50/49/
46/47/47/47 all in all not a bad workout, I am happy with it.
Sunday June 29 - 14 after a week of a few mid week longish runs I kept this one to the shorter side. I felt good it was nice until it started to rain and get cold.
Total 79 miles 9 hours+ running for the week.

HurricaneOne Production Warmth
sun is out the weather here is not too bad, nice and warm bareable. When the sun gets hiddent by the clouds and goes down at night it gets a little nippy. Around here not many houses/flats have central heating. They either have a fire place or a central heating unit in the main room. That means that the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen are cold when you leave the heating unit. At night when you go to bed you need to wear sock, long pants and sweatshirts, however some Kiwis like to jump into bed with a hot water bottle. It saves you from ahve to wear all that extra clothing to bed...hat scarf gloves etc. To make my story come to life I have my second short film that I would like to share with everyone.
The World Premiere of Warmth

I think I mentioned everything, I hope that everything is going well for those back home. Any questions, suggestions.... I forgot I have a friend who wants to say something...


LuAnn said...

Hi Mike sorry i haven't written in a while. I am at work laughing so hard that people are looking at me and i have to explain why i am laughing. I missed reading your stories.

You must be doing such a good job being a postie. What a nice gift you received. Gifts are good. The tickets were a great bonus especially around your bday.

Keep me laughing.
love and miss ya tse

Mom said...

Its like living with your cheap azz dad again who doesn't let you raise the heat. I am afraid if he sees this he will make us all sleep with hot water bottles to save on oil next winter. LOL. On another note I am glad to see you make your bed. I am glad I taught you something. Love ya, Mom

Heinkle111 said...

Thanks Mike. Enjoy the show and cheese. Your training like an ANIMAL. I an 10 min today (1st back) and it felt ok, I'm hoping it continues to feel ok.

Tracy said...

Hey Mike great job on those postie skills & congrat's on that extra cash!!! Atleast NZ show's their appreciation for a good employee.I just got a nice little bonus myself and that appreciation does feel good so you go right ahead and gloat!!!!
PS.loved the video hope you stay warm & take care.
Love Aunt Tracy & Uncle Lou

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike, daddy thought making cold water bottles to sleep with would make us cooler!!! YOU SUCK!!
hehe jk
but dude i got cold just watching that sucks.
and mike is it possible i am training way more then you in running? damn i am going to kick you ass when u come back.. it is going down
haha jk (again)

payce nukka