May 02, 2008


Why The Eff do people think I am from Canada?
I had a few people at work ask me that question, even after the boss man introduced me as Mike from New York. Then I has some mail customer ask me the same thing. So in turn when someone asks me if I am from Canada I simply turn around and ask them is they are Australian?
I understand if one person makes the mistake, but now that more than three people have asked me I want to know What The Eff...
Come on people I say things like Lawng Iiiland, New Yuork, Carrrrr, and many other words that people pick up on. I have a New York accent, since when is that confused with a Canadian.
Hey Luke are you having the same problem over in Oz? I hope that you turn to those people and ask them if they are from NZ.
I know that all of you that are reading know I am a New Yorker, but I just want to let you in on where some of the people think I am from.
As for the rest of my week, it has been pretty good. Completing my third full week with the NZ Post, collected my second pay check and a few other things. Some of you are probably intrigued with what my day looks like, so I will quickly try and represent that to you...

600 wake up and go downstairs for breakfast.
615 come upstairs get changed for work, wash my face and brush my teeth
630 leave for work
650 arrive at work
655 get a hot Milo from the coffee machine
700 start sorting mail
815 Albany Team morning tea
930 leave office to ride out to deliver mail
1245 ride back to office
1300 leave off to head for home
1330 arrive home and have afternoon tea
1400 fart around on the internet, watch videos, blog, read, check on the yankees, facebook, see if anyone is on MSN etc.
1745 go to bus stop to pick up Leo
1830 go for run with Leo
2000 eat evening tea
2015 take a shower
2030 watch some news and tv
2130 head for bed to get up and do it all over again

This week was also supposed to be the last week that I have the babysitter while I deliver mail. Except that she decided since she is on vacation next week she was going to call in sick from Wednesday on. So I have been on my own for the last few days. It has been nice, but I am still learning the system and when I have question I have to hunt someone down instead of having my babysitter over my left shoulder. O well I will catch up. So I guess you can say that I am all growd up.
My route consists of 15 miles of biking everyday. It takes 2 miles to get out to the route then 11 miles weaving up and down blocks and driveways and then 2 miles to get back. The route usually takes me 3 hours at the moment, but as I get familiar I am hoping that will improve. Any other question you may have please inquire.
I have also received alot of free shizz from the NZ Post. It is the uniform, but it is pretty sweet. I got 3 pairs of shorts, 1 pair of track pants, 6 pairs of Postie socks, 3 short sleeved t shirts, 2 long sleeve t shirts, 1 cut off, 1 fleece jumper, 2 spring jackets, 1 heavy duty rain coat, 1 winter beanie, 2 winter thermal shirts, and 2 pairs of New Balance sneakers. They also have provided me with my bike, helmet and reflective gear. I also have order 1 NZ Buff and a pair of riding gloves. All the gear is pretty sweet as it is red and black. I will have photos in future posts.
So all in all I am having a pretty good time. Getting along well at the moment, everything seems to be going well. I have NO complaints, however I do miss everyone and I send my regards to everyone. I hope you are all well and are enjoying my blog.
Until we meet again! -Hurricane

1 comment:

Mom said...

15 miles a day. That is unbelievable for me but for you it sounds like a breeze. I am so proud of you Mike.