May 26, 2008

HurricaneOne TV

This is my first installment of HurricaneOne TV, they will get better as they go. For some reason after I uploaded the mouth and words are off. I hope to fix that, I hope you enjoy. Leave Comments, Suggestions, or Hatred.


Danielle said...

Oh my god Michael I love it, it is 7:50 in the morning on a Monday and there is not much that could make me laugh but I was falling off my chair. That is awesome and the clothing attire is perfect!!! I can not wait for next week!!! We love you and miss you and Leo VERY VERY much!
And Steven is very anxiously awaiting his answer

mimi said...

WOW!! Mike what is going on over there in New Zealand? You should be the next Anchorman with Ron Burgundy, you would fit in with those guys. You should add a weatherman and a news corresponder thats out about in the town. hope ur having fun with this ttyl

Anonymous said...

GET A LIFE!! that was funny though. Patricia enjoyed your hand bangging on the table! I think you should make a weather map and the whole 9 yards

HurricaneOne said...

Weather Map...Check
On Location...Check
Other Correspondance... Got any good ones?

Tracy said...

Your Uncle just spilled his iced tea all over from laughing so hard!! Looking forward to seeing next week's especially the attire.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, it's cousin Franca. Best wishes to your and Leo on your new apartment. I've been reading your blogs since the beginning, but this one made me laugh histerically, especially the sportscaster. You are truly unique. Looking forward to your next one. Bests wishes always,

Brendan said...

dude, if you have the energy for that you're not logging enough mileage!! part was you messing with your papers as the credits rolled

mimi said...

You should interview the locals lol